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Online version
now available!


Ngene Online can be used in a web-browser on any device; simply create an online account, purchase a subscription licence, and start generating experimental designs for stated choice surveys.

Ngene Online has all the features that our users like from the original desktop version, but with a fresh new user interface that increases productivity, and many other enhancements.

We also made it easier to write scripts (including syntax highlighting), added a search graph to visualise progress when generating efficient designs, and have written an entirely new manual that provides more guidance in conducting choice experiments.

With a subscription you automatically receive all new features that we will be releasing over time.
Ngene is a powerful and flexible software tool to generate experimental designs for stated choice surveys. It is used by researchers, consultants, and students in approximately 80 countries around the world.
Ngene was first launched as a Windows desktop application by ChoiceMetrics in 2009 and has become industry leading software for choice experimental design. It has been embraced by the scientific community, with over 1,000 references to Ngene in peer-reviewed journal articles, and is also used by many consultants due to its ease of use and versatility. In 2025, Ngene Online was released to make the tool accessible to more people with improved functionality and ease of use.

Stated choice surveys and experiments consist of a series of hypothetical choice tasks that are used to elicit behaviour and preferences from consumers, patients, farmers, travellers, and other agents in order to determine willingness to pay for market and non-market goods, and predict market shares and demand elasticities of future products.
Created by leading experts in the area of discrete choice modelling, Ngene includes state-of-the-art methods to generate the best choice tasks in a survey in order to maximise information and minimise sample size, while at the same time ensuring that choice tasks are familiar, realistic, and not too complex.
Note that Ngene is a tool for generating experimental designs and not a tool for collecting choice data or model estimation. For conducting stated choice surveys, we recommend platforms such as SurveyEngine, while for estimating choice models we recommend Nlogit, Apollo or Biogeme.
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