Ngene is a powerful and flexible software tool to generate experimental designs for stated choice surveys. It is used by researchers, consultants, and students in more than 60 countries around the world.


Stated choice surveys and experiments consist of a series of hypothetical choice tasks that are used to elicit behaviour and preferences from consumers, patients, farmers, travellers, and other agents in order to determine willingness to pay for market and non-market goods, and predict market shares and demand elasticities of future products.


Created by leading experts in the area of discrete choice modelling, Ngene includes state-of-the-art methods to generate the best choice tasks in a survey in order to maximise information and minimise sample size, while at the same time ensuring that choice tasks are familiar, realistic, and not too complex.

Looking to estimate a model using stated choice data?

Nlogit is used for estimating a wide variety of choice models and uses syntax similar to Ngene.

For information on acquiring Nlogit contact david.hensher@bigpond.com


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