Dear Professor Bliemer and Ngene users:
I am dealing with an unlabelled design and I have everything more or less clear but some customisation that I have included. This is the syntax for the pilot (the priors were setting following in some way the illuminating paper of Professor Bliemer -On determining priors for the generation of efficient stated choice experimental designs-.):
;alts = A*, B*, SQ
;rows = 24
;eff = (mnl,d,mean)
;bdraws = sobol(2000)
;bseed = 12345
;block = 4,minsum,noimprov(60 secs)
;store = all
U(A) = b1.dummy[(u,-0.45,-0.2)|(u,-0.35,-0.10)|u,-0.125,-0.05]*X1[3,2,1,0]
+b5[(u,0.1,0.3)]*X5[0,1,2,3] /
U(B) = b1*X1
U(sq) = asc[0]$
I have some concerns regarding the following:
1. ¿Would you find this customisation -"minsum,noimprov(60 secs)"- suitable for the design?
;bdraws = sobol(2000)
;bseed = 12345
;block = 4,minsum,noimprov(60 secs)
2. When using uniform distributions for getting the experimental design for the pilot stage or in situations of high uncertainty because you do not have any clue about the priors, would it be always advisable to use "mean" for the command -“;eff = (mnl,d,mean)”-?
3. Would you introduce non-linear effects directly in the experimental design for the pilot study? Or better using linear effects at the beginning and then after the pilot study is done defining non-linear priors if suitable for the final design?
Thank you so much Professor Bliemer for your generosity
Kind regards