Dear Ngene team,
I am attempting to design the choice tasks for my stated choice main study.
The pilot study was analysed using a MNL model.
The main study is using the priors generated from the pilot study analysis to design for a MNL model. I will optimise the main study design for the MNL model but will also evaluate for the panel MMNL model.
I am using a 6 normally distributed Bayesian priors in this design (i.e. X3, and the alternative-specifics constants RNP and PP respectively). The rest of the attributes are effect coded fixed priors (i.e. X1, X2, X4, X5, and X6). X3 has 4 levels and is a continuous variable.
I was hoping to get some advice please regarding my syntax for my main study design as I know that it is incorrect (I have detailed this later in this post).
I have included my syntax using an MNL model with priors for the main study below:
;alts = GP, RNP, PP
;rows = 20
;block = 4
;eff = (mnl,d,mean)
;bdraws = gauss(3)
;alg = mfederov
GP.X1 = 1
U(GP) = b1.effects[-0.023] * X1[0,1] + b2.effects[0.176|0.017|0.003] * X2[0,1,2,3] + b3[(n, -0.244|0.026)] * X3[0,1,2,3] + b4.effects[-0.083|-0.029] * X4[0,1,2] + b5.effects[0.030] * X5[0,1] + b6.effects[-0.024|0.049] * X6[0,1,2] /
U(RNP) = b7[(n, -0.230|0.066)] + b1 * X1 + b2 * X2 + b3 * X3 + b4 * X4 + b5 * X5 + b6 * X6 /
U(PP) = b8[(n, -0.347|0.075)] + b1 * X1 + b2 * X2 + b3 * X3 + b4 * X4 + b5 * X5 + b6 * X6
Questions please:
1). I need some help with this design syntax please as I know that it does not work. I am using a 6 normally distributed Bayesian priors in this design (i.e. X3, and the alternative-specifics constants RNP and PP respectively). The rest of the attributes are effect coded fixed priors (i.e. X1, X2, X4, X5, and X6). X3 has 4 levels and is a continuous variable. I have run it and it comes up with the following error message:
Error: The 'model' property contains a prior that has dummy or effects coding without an appropriate suffix. 'b3'
Question 1: I don’t know how to fix this error. Can you please help?
Question 2: Is there anything else incorrect with the syntax that might affect the inclusion of the required types of priors?
2). Attribute X1 has 2 levels (i.e. [0,1]) which are effects coded with level 1 being the reference level. The GP alternative can only be available in location X1_1. I maintained the same syntax that I used for the pilot study design for this to happen.
Question 3: Is this aspect of the syntax correct please?
Please feel free to suggest any further improvements for this design syntax.
Thank you for your time, and I am grateful to the Ngene team for reviewing my query and providing any advice.