Continuing from my email, you suggested
''Homogeneous design: You create a single design for all respondents based on the medium GR farmers, i.e. using levels 100, 250, and 500. Then for the other farmers you simply replace these levels with the lower or higher levels. If you are using an orthogonal design or a D-efficient design with zero priors, this is an appropriate way of doing it. But if you are using a D-efficient design with non-zero priors, a heterogeneous design is more efficient.''
I attempted to write a syntax for a homogenous design D-efficient design with zero priors for the pilot study. I want to then generate a heterogenous design for the actual study.
As per your above suggestion, I attempted to write a syntax. But from the syntax examples I have seen on the manual, they all talk about 1 reference alternative. But that is not what I want.
I categorise my farmers based on their reported gross revenues.
Low GR farmers: if gross revenue is reported to be < 100,000
Medium GR farmers: if gross revenue is reported to be between £100,000- £500,00
High GR farmers: if gross revenue is reported to be >£500,000
I want the low GR farmers to be given a choice set that has one attribute GR that is specific to them with certain levels, i.e. 30, 50, 90. All other attributes and levels remain the same for all farmers.
Similarly, medium GR farmers will have GR attribute with levels 100,250,500.
And high GR farmers will have GR attribute with levels 600,750,1000
Attempt 1:
- Code: Select all
?Farm management design pilotv.2
;alts = alt1, alt2, alt3
; rows = 18
; block = 3
; eff = (mnl, d)
?gross margins #, income fluctuations#, infection level#
; model:
U(alt1) = b2*grossmargins[100000,250000,500000] + b3*fluctuations[10,30,50] + b4*infectionlevel[0,10,20,30]/
U(alt2) = b2*grossmargins + b3*fluctuations + b4*infectionlevel/
U(alt3) = b2*grossmargins + b3*fluctuations + b4*infectionlevel
So here I generate this design, and then when I transfer the matrix of values to the choice cards,I merely swap 100,250,500 with the low and high levels (no re-generating of design) *Running this gives me an extremely low D-error.
Attempt 2: which doesn't seem right AT ALL.
- Code: Select all
?Farm management design pilotv.1
;alts(low) = alt1, alt2, alt3
;alts(medium) = alt1, alt2, alt3
;alts(high) = alt1, alt2, alt3
; rows = 18
; block = 3
; eff = fish(mnl, d)
;fisher(fish) = design1(low[0.33], medium[0.34], high[0.33])
?gross margins #, income fluctuations#, infection level#
; model(low):
U(alt1) = b2*grossmarginsref[30000,50000,90000] + b3*fluctuations[10%,30%,50%] + b4*infectionlevel[0%,10%,20%,30%]/
U(alt2) = b2*grossmargins + b3*fluctuations + b4*infectionlevel/
U(alt3) = b2*grossmargins + b3*fluctuations + b4*infectionlevel/
; model(medium):
U(alt1) = b2*grossmarginsref[100000,250000,50000] + b3*fluctuations[10%,30%,50%] + b4*infectionlevel[0%,10%,20%,30%]/
U(alt2) = b2*grossmargins + b3*fluctuations + b4*infectionlevel/
U(alt3) = b2*grossmargins + b3*fluctuations + b4*infectionlevel/
; model(high):
U(alt1) = b2*grossmargins[600000,750000,1000000] + b3*fluctuations[10%,30%,50%] + b4*infectionlevel[0%,10%,20%,30%]/
U(alt2) = b2*grossmargins + b3*fluctuations + b4*infectionlevel/
U(alt3) = b2*grossmargins + b3*fluctuations + b4*infectionlevel/
Not sure, if I am suppose to enhance attempt1 or attempt2.
Any feedback would be much appreciated.
Thank you