Ngene installation deactivating/expiring

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Ngene installation deactivating/expiring

Postby admin » Tue Feb 04, 2020 9:22 pm

A number of Ngene users have been affected by an issue which deactivates/expires their Ngene installation. Details below.

What is the issue?

When a licensed, activated copy of Ngene launches, the following error messages appears: “Your full version of Ngene has expired, and will be returned to the evaluation version.” The title bar of the software changes to “Ngene (EVALUATION VERSION)”. In this evaluation/demonstration mode, design levels are not reported.

Who is affected by the issue?

Any user who activated the software when version 1.3 or earlier was installed, even if it has since been updated to the latest version, currently 1.4.

Licenses that have been purchased are perpetual, and should not expire. In some cases Ngene deactivates/expires when there is a major update to a computer’s hardware or operating system. The issue described here is not triggered by any such update.

What is the fix? (in brief)

Download the latest version from the website, install, activate again, and restart Ngene (it will require a restart to complete the activation).

What is the fix? (in detail)

1. Download the installer for the latest version, currently 1.4, from the ChoiceMetrics website at This is essential - earlier versions will not activate, or stay activated.

2. Run the installer and install Ngene.

3. Launch Ngene – the error message “Your full version of Ngene has expired, and will be returned to the evaluation version” will show once again.

4. From the Help menu, select “Online Activation”.

5. Enter the license ID and password that were provided to you at the time of purchase, then select the “Activate” button.
  • If you cannot find your license ID and password, email with as much purchase information as possible. For example, the purchase receipt or the associated reference number (e.g. CM-18-241).
6. Ngene will then do one of the following:
a. Immediate activation:
A message will say “Ngene has now been activated.” Press OK. Ngene will then run in an activated state: The title bar will just say “Ngene”, and design levels are shown in any design that is opened.

b. Delayed activation:
First, the error message “Your full version of Ngene has expired, and will be returned to the evaluation version” will show once again. Press OK. Then a message will say “Ngene has now been activated”. Press OK. The software will still be in the evaluation mode for now, with “Ngene (EVALUATION VERSION)” as the title bar. Close and relaunch Ngene. It should now run in an activated state: The title bar will just say “Ngene”, and design levels are shown in any design that is opened.

c. Indicate there are no activations left:
“You have no more activations available. To request another activation, email, quoting your license ID.” Email us as requested. After we notify you that the license has been updated, enter the activation details again (step 5).

If this does not solve the issue, or you need clarification on any point, email us at

Andrew Collins
Site Admin
Posts: 9
Joined: Tue Feb 24, 2009 10:00 pm

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