Dear Dr Bilemer,
This is my first time using the Ngene to design a DCE design, and I would really appreciate your thoughts and help on finalizing the design. Based on the information from a previous study conducted in a similar setting, I set the priors then conducted a pre-test study among 12 participants, in which each respondent received 9 choice sets. I used the following syntax to generate the design:
;alts= alt1*, alt2*
;eff = (mnl, d)
;block = 2
U(alt1) = b1.dummy[0.2|0]*Location[1,2,3] + b2.dummy[-0.2|-0.2]*Frequency[1,2,3] + b3[-0.1]*Time[0.5,1,2] + b4.dummy[-0.2|0]*Other_needs[1,2,3] + b5.dummy[-0.2|0]*Adherence[1,2,3] + b6[-0.2]*Confidential[1,2] /
U(alt2) = b1.dummy*Location + b2.dummy*Frequency + b3*Time + b4.dummy*Other_needs + b5.dummy*Adherence + b6*Confidential
I got the following beta (and SE of beta) by fitting a multinomial/conditional logit.
Location 1: beta= 0.756, SE = 0.24
Location 2: beta= 0.05, SE = 0.24
Frequency 1: beta= -0.05, SE=0.24
Frequency 2: beta= 0.006, SE=0.23
Time: beta=0.344, SE=0.27 (continuous variable)
Other_needs 1: beta= -0.205, SE=0.22,
Other_needs 2: beta=-0.766, SE=0.22
Adherence 1: beta= -0.20, SE=0.22,
Adherence 2: beta= -0.013, SE=0.24
Confidential: beta= -0.528, SE=0.17
In addition, I'd like to increase the number of rows to 48 with 4 blocks (thus each block has 12 questions, not 9 questions) and change it to bayesian D-efficient design to fit a mixed logit for the final analysis.
My questions are:
1) From the readings, I think the size of the prior matters but I am not sure whether I need to use the exact estimated betas from the pre-test study (for example, 0.756 for Location 1, instead of 0.2); or shall I use a smaller value like 0.10 or 0.20?
2) For the final analysis, I’d like to run a mixed logit model. Therefore, I would like use bayesian D-efficient design with some priors for both fixed and random parameters. Since I have run only a small pre-test study (n=12, 9 choice sets per respondent), I cannot fit a mixed logit (i.e., a mixed logit does not converge). What would you recommend to use as prior information for “random parameters”?
Thank you so much for your help and time.