Best professor. I am new to Ngene. So I have the syntax written below. I have some questions:
1) I could not find priors for a2, a4, c2 and c4, is it better to use zero priors?
2) Should access_BTM_TT and access_BTM_TC correlate, so travel time and travel cost. What I mean is that if travel time increases, the travel cost increases. If yes how to define that correlation?
3) How to include ASC's?
4) I want to include context variables, such as weather categorized as rainy, wet and windy. How to include these context variables in the code? so I want to show one value for the whole choice task,
5) How to make a nice file output to show the choice experiment?
6) Any more comments on the code?
;rows = 9
;eff = (mnl, d)
;alg = mfederov
? PE = Private e-scooter, BTM = Bus, Tram, metro, BIKE = Bicycle, WALKING = walking
? TT = Travel time, WKT = Walking time, WTT = Waiting time train, TC = travel cost,
? WTB = Waiting time for BTM, WKTD = walking time to destination
? PST = Parking search time
? com = comfort in train
? a#, b#, c#, e# = coefficients
U (PEPE) = a1 * access_PE_TT[7, 11, 15] + a2 * com_PE[0,1,2] + a3 * egress_PE_TT[7,11,15] + a4 * egress_PE_PST[1,4,7]
U(BTMBTM)= b1 * access_BTM_WKT[2,8,14] + b2 * access_BTM_TT[3,8,13] + b3 * access_BTM_WTT[6,11,16] + b4 * access_BTM_TC[1.4, 1.6, 1.8]
+ b5 * egress_BTM_WTB[8,11,14] + b6 * egress_BTM_TT[3,8,13] + b7 * egress_BTM_WKTD[2,8,14] + b8 * egress_BTM_TC[1.4, 1.6, 1.8]
U(BIKEBIKE)= c1 * access_BIKE_TT[8,12,16] + c2 * access_BIKE_PST[1,4,7] + c3 * egress_BIKE_TT[8,12,16] + c4 * egress_BIKE_PST[1,4,7]
U(BTMBIKE) = b1 * access_BTM_WKT + b2 * access_BTM_TT + b3 * access_BTM_WTT + b4 * access_BTM_TC +
c3 * egress_BIKE_TT + c4 * egress_BIKE_PST
U(BIKEBTM)= c1 * access_BIKE_TT + c2 * access_BIKE_PST +
b5 * egress_BTM_WTB + b6 * egress_BTM_TT + b7 * egress_BTM_WKTD + b8 * egress_BTM_TC
U(BIKEWALKING) = c1 * access_BIKE_TT + c2 * access_BIKE_PST + e1 * egress_WALKING_TT[25,30,35]