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Cards in pairs & multiple dependent V/stimuli on each card

PostPosted: Thu Oct 08, 2009 4:10 pm
by chryssochoidis
Any advice will be appreciated.

Focus area is information on product packaging.
I have 4 stimuli per card (same) shown in pairs (4 on first & 4 on second).
Their difference is in the percentage of ingredients composition inside each stimuli but the visual component is the same across all 4 stimuli.
Pairs should be randomly rotated with first card being a baseline visual component scenario followed by a competing visual component scenario.

In total 3 competing visual component' pairs [each against its baseline scenario] X 5 product categories.

Each pair should be randomly shown for both product and visual component scenario.

There are at least 4 dependent variables measured 0% to 100% for each of the 4 visual component stimuli on each card
(=4 for each baseline and 4 for each info scenario= 8 per pair) X 5 product categories.
Several other latent questions follow.

Randomising the design and showing a fraction of card pairs instead of full set (full factorial=15 scenarios) per respondent is important.

Any advice on design syntax and its testing will be appreciated.

Re: Cards in pairs & multiple dependent V/stimuli on each card

PostPosted: Wed Oct 14, 2009 7:31 am
by Michiel Bliemer
I am trying to understand what you are asking here, but I am afraid I do not understand what you are trying to do. Perhaps due to different terminology from another field than I am used to. Could you perhaps rephrase your question, or give an example?
