Hi moderators,
I used Bayesian priors from my pilot data analysis in my Ngene design to develop the experimental design for the next pilot study.
I ran the code for 36 hours and the result for the final design is as below.
Fixed Bayesian mean
D error 0.242769 0.503778
A error 0.261961 0.667213
B estimate 75.89114 0.233881
S estimate 2521.819 17.57238
Prior b_training(e0) b_training(e1) b_monitoring(e0) b_monitoring(e1) b_he(e0) b_he(e1) b_typing(e0) b_typing(e1) asc_n
Fixed prior value -0.01929 -0.27081 0.60503 0.38115 -0.08118 -0.20622 0.25112 0.03074 -0.21856
Sp estimates 2521.819 11.73375 3.596624 6.632094 148.2556 19.36763 17.24057 853.2737 26.87951
Sp t-ratios 0.03903 0.572187 1.033495 0.761081 0.160972 0.445367 0.472042 0.067098 0.378047
Sb mean estimates 3.798151 15.05214 2.651051 2.245271 4.408886 7.469981 2.929282 2.759574 2.899802
Sb mean t-ratios 1.019325 0.721261 1.460671 1.45942 0.951293 0.829117 1.25715 1.19842 1.199566
Can the 'B estimates' and the 'S estimates' be so different in the fixed and the Bayesian designs?
Many thanks in advance.