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Editing the Design Output

PostPosted: Tue Sep 24, 2024 9:47 pm
by acanakci

I would like to ask if there is a way to obtain the final design in a modifiable format, such as Word, instead of PDF. This is important as I need to add related questions and explanations.

Additionally, I have an attribute with four categories: 0, 1, 2, and 3. The final output includes choice sets with these categories, but respondents may not understand what they represent without explanations, which could be tedious. For example, 0 refers to the first working hour (08:00–11:00), 1 to the second (11:00–14:00), and so on. Is there a way to indicate these category meanings in the output, so I won’t have to manually modify them later?

Thank you,

Re: Editing the Design Output

PostPosted: Tue Sep 24, 2024 10:26 pm
by Michiel Bliemer
You can use scenario formatting in Ngene to create mockups of the choice tasks with the actual attribute levels shown to respondents. Once you open a design, click on the "Formatted scenarios" tab to open the editor. But note that this is merely for you as an analyst to check the choice tasks, you cannot conduct surveys and collect data from choice experiments using Ngene, you need a survey tool to develop your questionnaire.

You would typically copy and paste the design into Excel and then import into your survey instrument, such as SurveyEngine or Qualtrics. In those survey platforms you specify what each level means, e.g. that level 1 is 11.00-14.00 for a certain attribute. So please consult the manual of your online survey platform. SurveyEngine is a recommended platform for conducting choice experiments, whereby you can visually specify how each of the levels in the design is shown to respondents.
