RSEED and evaluating saved designs
Posted: Tue Dec 03, 2024 2:04 am
When creating complex designs, I typically run several instances of NGENE using different values for ;RDRAWS and ;REP. Despite using the same ;RSEED, the efficiency measure changes when I evaluate a previously saved design or use it as a starting value. Is this a bug, or am I overlooking something? I would appreciate any suggestions. Thank you very much in advance.
Here is example syntax I am using:
; alts(MNL) = alt1*, alt2*, alt3
; alts(MXL) = alt1*, alt2*, alt3
; rows = 20
; block = 5
; bseed = 179424673
; rseed = 179424673
?; bdraws = sobol(1000)
; rdraws = sobol(300)
; alg = swap(random = 100, swap = 1, swaponimprov = 20, reset = 10, resetinc = 10) ?, stop = noimprov(10000 iterations)
; rep = 300
; eff = 7.31101*MNL(mnl,d) + 1.41841758*MXL(rppanel,d)
; start = species - main 1 - sea birds.ngd
; con
; model(MNL):
U(alt1) = b_population.dummy[-0.3270|0.3386|0.2849]*population[0,2,3,1]
+ b_conservation_focus.dummy[-0.1235|-0.0292]*conservation_focus[0,2,1]
+ b_recreation_restrictions.dummy[0.0703|0.0794]*recreation_restrictions[1,2,0]
+ b_cost[-0.002101]*cost[5,10,25,50,100,150,250,500] /
U(alt2) = b_population.dummy*population
+ b_conservation_focus.dummy*conservation_focus
+ b_recreation_restrictions.dummy*recreation_restrictions
+ b_cost*cost /
U(alt3) = b_sq[-0.9669]
; model(MXL):
U(alt1) = b_population.dummy[n,-0.5173,1.0012|n,0.3,0.6073|n,0.4,1.0488]*population[0,2,3,1]
+ b_conservation_focus.dummy[n,-0.1677,0.4624|n,-0.0957,0.4822]*conservation_focus[0,2,1]
+ b_recreation_restrictions.dummy[n,0.0852,0.9283|n,0.0929,1.3373]*recreation_restrictions[1,2,0]
+ b_cost[n,-0.003906,0.006927]*cost[5,10,25,50,100,150,250,500] /
U(alt2) = b_population.dummy*population
+ b_conservation_focus.dummy*conservation_focus
+ b_recreation_restrictions.dummy*recreation_restrictions
+ b_cost*cost /
U(alt3) = b_sq[n,-2.5542,2.4839]
Here is example syntax I am using:
; alts(MNL) = alt1*, alt2*, alt3
; alts(MXL) = alt1*, alt2*, alt3
; rows = 20
; block = 5
; bseed = 179424673
; rseed = 179424673
?; bdraws = sobol(1000)
; rdraws = sobol(300)
; alg = swap(random = 100, swap = 1, swaponimprov = 20, reset = 10, resetinc = 10) ?, stop = noimprov(10000 iterations)
; rep = 300
; eff = 7.31101*MNL(mnl,d) + 1.41841758*MXL(rppanel,d)
; start = species - main 1 - sea birds.ngd
; con
; model(MNL):
U(alt1) = b_population.dummy[-0.3270|0.3386|0.2849]*population[0,2,3,1]
+ b_conservation_focus.dummy[-0.1235|-0.0292]*conservation_focus[0,2,1]
+ b_recreation_restrictions.dummy[0.0703|0.0794]*recreation_restrictions[1,2,0]
+ b_cost[-0.002101]*cost[5,10,25,50,100,150,250,500] /
U(alt2) = b_population.dummy*population
+ b_conservation_focus.dummy*conservation_focus
+ b_recreation_restrictions.dummy*recreation_restrictions
+ b_cost*cost /
U(alt3) = b_sq[-0.9669]
; model(MXL):
U(alt1) = b_population.dummy[n,-0.5173,1.0012|n,0.3,0.6073|n,0.4,1.0488]*population[0,2,3,1]
+ b_conservation_focus.dummy[n,-0.1677,0.4624|n,-0.0957,0.4822]*conservation_focus[0,2,1]
+ b_recreation_restrictions.dummy[n,0.0852,0.9283|n,0.0929,1.3373]*recreation_restrictions[1,2,0]
+ b_cost[n,-0.003906,0.006927]*cost[5,10,25,50,100,150,250,500] /
U(alt2) = b_population.dummy*population
+ b_conservation_focus.dummy*conservation_focus
+ b_recreation_restrictions.dummy*recreation_restrictions
+ b_cost*cost /
U(alt3) = b_sq[n,-2.5542,2.4839]