Attribute level restrictions

I am designing a choice experiment to explore preferences for environmental restoration, focusing on the environmental state in 2055. The experiment includes three alternatives:
No restoration program, which represents a scenario with decreasing environmental quality.
Restoration Program A, aimed at improving environmental quality.
Restoration Program B, also aimed at improving environmental quality.
The base level reflects the environmental state in 2055 if no action is taken. Therefore, the current levels of attributes can be seen as "improvements".
;alts = alt1*, alt2*, np*
?np=no program, specific atribute levels related to this
;rows = 36
;block = 6
;eff = (mnl, d)
;alg = mfederov
np.drought = 0,
np.flood = 0,
np.biodiv = 0,
np.water = 0,
np.emission =0,
np.cost =0,
alt1.cost > 0,
alt2.cost >0
? efficient design, multinomial logit model, d-optimality
? attributes:
? DROUGHT = occurrence of droughts (0 increases from the current level, 1 no change from the current level, 2 decreases from the current level)
? FLOOD = occurrence of floods (0 increases from the current level, 1 no change from the current level, 2 decreases from the current level)
? BIODIV = proportion of endangered species, % (0 increases by 5%, 1 stays at current level, 2 decreases by 6%, 3 decreases by 12%)
? WATER = proportion of surface waters in excellent or good condition, %,(0 decreases by 5%, 1 stays at current level, 2 increases by 5%, 3 increases by 10%)
? EMISSION = GHG emissions from wetlands (0 increases by 5%, 1 stays at current level, 2 decreases by 10%, 3 decreases by 20%)
? COST = Cost as tax increase, € (0, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, 500)
? small coefficients to indicate the expected sign of parameters for pilot, priors from pilot to final design
U(alt1) = drought.dummy [0.0001|0.0002] * DROUGHT[1,2,0]
+ flood.dummy [0.0001|0.0002] * FLOOD[1,2,0]
+ biodiv.dummy [0.0001|0.0002|0.0003] * BIODIV[1,2,3,0]
+ water.dummy [0.0001|0.0002|0.0003] * WATER[1,2,3,0]
+ emission.dummy [0.0001|0.0002|0.0003] * EMISSION[1,2,3,0]
+ cost [-0.0001] * COST[]
U(alt2) = drought.dummy * DROUGHT
+ flood.dummy * FLOOD
+ biodiv.dummy * BIODIV
+ water.dummy * WATER
+ emission.dummy * EMISSION
+ cost * COST
U(np) = drought.dummy * DROUGHT
+ flood.dummy * FLOOD
+ biodiv.dummy * BIODIV
+ water.dummy * WATER
+ emission.dummy * EMISSION
+ cost * COST
I have a few questions regarding attribute levels and restrictions:
Attribute levels for "No Program" in other alternatives:
I believe that the attribute levels for the "No Program" alternative (i.e., decreasing environmental quality) need to be present for the program alternatives as well. Otherwise, it might create issues in the experimental design? Is this correct?
Restricting the frequency of negative outcomes:
If the "No Program" attribute levels (decreasing environmental quality) do need to appear in the program alternatives, what is the best way to restrict these levels so that:
They appear less frequently across the program alternatives.
They do not appear simultaneously for multiple attributes in the same choice task (to avoid "useless" restoration programs)?
Advice on how to set these restrictions (or other solutions to the problem) would be greatly appreciated.
Best regards
No restoration program, which represents a scenario with decreasing environmental quality.
Restoration Program A, aimed at improving environmental quality.
Restoration Program B, also aimed at improving environmental quality.
The base level reflects the environmental state in 2055 if no action is taken. Therefore, the current levels of attributes can be seen as "improvements".
;alts = alt1*, alt2*, np*
?np=no program, specific atribute levels related to this
;rows = 36
;block = 6
;eff = (mnl, d)
;alg = mfederov
np.drought = 0,
np.flood = 0,
np.biodiv = 0,
np.water = 0,
np.emission =0,
np.cost =0,
alt1.cost > 0,
alt2.cost >0
? efficient design, multinomial logit model, d-optimality
? attributes:
? DROUGHT = occurrence of droughts (0 increases from the current level, 1 no change from the current level, 2 decreases from the current level)
? FLOOD = occurrence of floods (0 increases from the current level, 1 no change from the current level, 2 decreases from the current level)
? BIODIV = proportion of endangered species, % (0 increases by 5%, 1 stays at current level, 2 decreases by 6%, 3 decreases by 12%)
? WATER = proportion of surface waters in excellent or good condition, %,(0 decreases by 5%, 1 stays at current level, 2 increases by 5%, 3 increases by 10%)
? EMISSION = GHG emissions from wetlands (0 increases by 5%, 1 stays at current level, 2 decreases by 10%, 3 decreases by 20%)
? COST = Cost as tax increase, € (0, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, 500)
? small coefficients to indicate the expected sign of parameters for pilot, priors from pilot to final design
U(alt1) = drought.dummy [0.0001|0.0002] * DROUGHT[1,2,0]
+ flood.dummy [0.0001|0.0002] * FLOOD[1,2,0]
+ biodiv.dummy [0.0001|0.0002|0.0003] * BIODIV[1,2,3,0]
+ water.dummy [0.0001|0.0002|0.0003] * WATER[1,2,3,0]
+ emission.dummy [0.0001|0.0002|0.0003] * EMISSION[1,2,3,0]
+ cost [-0.0001] * COST[]
U(alt2) = drought.dummy * DROUGHT
+ flood.dummy * FLOOD
+ biodiv.dummy * BIODIV
+ water.dummy * WATER
+ emission.dummy * EMISSION
+ cost * COST
U(np) = drought.dummy * DROUGHT
+ flood.dummy * FLOOD
+ biodiv.dummy * BIODIV
+ water.dummy * WATER
+ emission.dummy * EMISSION
+ cost * COST
I have a few questions regarding attribute levels and restrictions:
Attribute levels for "No Program" in other alternatives:
I believe that the attribute levels for the "No Program" alternative (i.e., decreasing environmental quality) need to be present for the program alternatives as well. Otherwise, it might create issues in the experimental design? Is this correct?
Restricting the frequency of negative outcomes:
If the "No Program" attribute levels (decreasing environmental quality) do need to appear in the program alternatives, what is the best way to restrict these levels so that:
They appear less frequently across the program alternatives.
They do not appear simultaneously for multiple attributes in the same choice task (to avoid "useless" restoration programs)?
Advice on how to set these restrictions (or other solutions to the problem) would be greatly appreciated.
Best regards