Dominant Alternatives in D-Efficient Design

Hi there,
I'm helping to design an unlabelled DCE related to job opportunities for post docs in the UK. As shown in the code below this message, we are using a d-efficient design.
There are seven attributes, two with four levels and five with three levels. We have included an opt out option. We have also included some small non-zero priors to indicate the ordering of the levels within each attribute.
When we've run the design for a little while and looked at the generated choice sets within the designs, we're still finding some dominant choice sets despite including an * for the different alternative in the ;alts line of code.
I was wondering if anyone had an explanation for this? It may well be that I've made a slight error with the code (despite consulting the manual!)
I'm helping to design an unlabelled DCE related to job opportunities for post docs in the UK. As shown in the code below this message, we are using a d-efficient design.
There are seven attributes, two with four levels and five with three levels. We have included an opt out option. We have also included some small non-zero priors to indicate the ordering of the levels within each attribute.
When we've run the design for a little while and looked at the generated choice sets within the designs, we're still finding some dominant choice sets despite including an * for the different alternative in the ;alts line of code.
I was wondering if anyone had an explanation for this? It may well be that I've made a slight error with the code (despite consulting the manual!)
- Code: Select all
;alts = opt1*, opt2*, OptOut
;block = 4
;rows = 48
;eff = (mnl, d)
;alg = mfederov
U(opt1) = b2_Contract.dummy[0.001|0.002|0.003] * Contract[2,3,4,1] ? Contract Length
+ b3_Salary.dummy[0.001|0.002|0.003] * Salary[2,3,4,1] ? Salary
+ b4_Location.dummy[-0.001|-0.002] * Location[2,3,1] ? Location
+ b5_Interest.dummy[0.001|0.002] * Interest[2,3,1] ? Research Interest
+ b6_Development.dummy[0.001|0.002] * Development[2,3,1] ? Development Opportunities
+ b7_Autonomy.dummy[0.001|0.002] * Autonomy[2,3,1] ? Autonomy
+ b8_Culture.dummy[0.001|0.002] * Culture[2,3,1] ? Research Culture
U(opt2) = b2_Contract.dummy * Contract
+ b3_Salary.dummy * Salary
+ b4_Location.dummy * Location
+ b5_Interest.dummy * Interest
+ b6_Development.dummy * Development
+ b7_Autonomy.dummy * Autonomy
+ b8_Culture.dummy * Culture
U(OptOut) = b1