too large priors resulted from a pilot

Dear all,
After conducting a panel on an unlabeled design and running a pilot (36 resp.* 8 scenarios each) , I have used the coefficients resulted from a MNL estimation of the pilot (which were significant) as prior means for a Bayesian design as follows:
;alts = alt1, alt2, alt3, alt4
;bdraws = halton(500)
U(alt1) = C1+ b2.dummy[(u,3.366,12.67)|(u,7.776,15.026)]*carModel[0,1,2]+b3[(u,-2.907, -2.065)]*costhour[5,6,7]+b4[(u,-9.963, -6.677)]*costMile.43]+b5[(u ,-0.127,-0.059)]*WalkTime[5,10,15]+b6[(u,-0.574,-0.392)]*available[1,4,6]/
U(alt2) = c2+ " ------------" / (same atts, and leves)
U(alt3) = c4+ " ------------" $ (ame atts and levels)
Not surprisingly, when I run this design, no valid design is find, and and it warns me for too large prior means..
Any advice? cab I scale all the prior means by say divide all priors by 10...
Thanks for ant advice.
After conducting a panel on an unlabeled design and running a pilot (36 resp.* 8 scenarios each) , I have used the coefficients resulted from a MNL estimation of the pilot (which were significant) as prior means for a Bayesian design as follows:
;alts = alt1, alt2, alt3, alt4
;bdraws = halton(500)
U(alt1) = C1+ b2.dummy[(u,3.366,12.67)|(u,7.776,15.026)]*carModel[0,1,2]+b3[(u,-2.907, -2.065)]*costhour[5,6,7]+b4[(u,-9.963, -6.677)]*costMile.43]+b5[(u ,-0.127,-0.059)]*WalkTime[5,10,15]+b6[(u,-0.574,-0.392)]*available[1,4,6]/
U(alt2) = c2+ " ------------" / (same atts, and leves)
U(alt3) = c4+ " ------------" $ (ame atts and levels)
Not surprisingly, when I run this design, no valid design is find, and and it warns me for too large prior means..
Any advice? cab I scale all the prior means by say divide all priors by 10...
Thanks for ant advice.