I looked through the forum to make sure my question isn't just like another one posted, but I wasn't able to find one exactly like this. Any help would be much appreciated!
I am conducting a choice survey about projects that can improve environmental benefits. Therefore, I want to have 2 options that respondent can pick with varying levels of environmental benefits that are not dominated by the reference status quo of my study area.
I have two sets of code for a CE design - one with the levels of the attributes and one with a pivot design:
; alts = alt1, alt2, alt3
; eff = (mnl,d)
; rows = 80
; block = 10
; rseed = 12345
; model:
U(alt1) = b1 + b2[0.1]*WQ[155]*WQP[1]+ b3[0.1]*CS[17] + b4[0.1]*AH[.6] + b5[0.1]*GNBH[7] + b6[-0.1]*IC[0] /
U(alt2) = b2*WQ1[110,125,140,145,165,170,185,200]*WQP1[.1,.25,.50,.75,.90]+ b3*CS1[13.5,15,17,19,20.5] + b4*AH1[.40,.50,.60,.70,.80] + b5*GNBH1[5.5,6,7,8,8.5]
+ b6*IC1[10,30,50,70,90,110,130,150,170,190] /
U(alt3) = b2*WQ1*WQP1 + b3*CS1 + b4*AH1 + b5*GNBH1 + b6*IC1
Where: WQ = a measure of water quality, WQP = the probability that measurement of water quality is reached, CS = a measure of carbon storage, AH = the percentage of time throughout the year a river level supports aquatic habitat, GNBH = areas that support ground-nesting bird habitat, and IC = individual cost.
When I run this code, NGENE is able to come up with a design. I believe that in order to ensure that the status quo does not dominate the other alternatives, however, I will need to convert this coding into a pivot design so that I will be able to use the * command in the alternatives line of the code. I have tried to convert to a pivot design, but NGENE is not able to come up with a valid design after 1000 evaluations:
; alts = alt1, alt2, alt3
; eff = (mnl,d)
; rows = 80
; rseed = 12345
; model:
U(alt1) = b1 + b2[0.1]*WQ.ref[155]*WQP.ref[1] + b3[0.1]*CS.ref[17] + b4[0.1]*AH.ref[.6] + b5[0.1]*GNBH.ref[7] + b6[-0.1]*IC.ref[0] /
U(alt2) = b2*WQ.piv[-45,-30,-15,-10,10,15,30,45]*WQP.piv[-.9,-.75,-.50,-.25,-.10]+ b3*CS.piv[-3.5,-2,0,2,3.5] + b4*AH.piv[-.2,-.1,0,.1,.2] + b5*GNBH.piv[-1.5,-1,0,1,1.5] + b6*IC.ref[10,30,50,70,90,110,130,150,170,190] /
U(alt3) = b2*WQ.piv[-45,-30,-15,-10,10,15,30,45]*WQP.piv[-.90,-.75,-.50,-.25,-.10]+ b3*CS.piv[-3.5,-2,0,2,3.5] + b4*AH.piv[-.2,-.1,0,.1,.2] + b5*GNBH.piv[-1.5,-1,0,1,1.5] + b6*IC.ref[10,30,50,70,90,110,130,150,170,190]
I'm confused as to why this is so, since the first set of coding works and the second set is just like the first only phrased differently. I'm sure there is a user error here!
Thanks for your time,