Heterogeneous design w/ status quo and constraints
Posted: Sat Jun 30, 2018 3:27 am
I'm writing to seek advice on the best approach.
To provide background on the attributes/levels:
Within the DCE, respondents will be presented with choices between “current treatment” and two unlabelled medicines.
1. Device : [0]device1, [1]device2, [2]device3, [3]device4 - dummy
2. Inj: [2]1 inj, [1]2 inj, [0]3 inj - dummy
3. Frequency: q4w, q2w, q1wk - continuous
4. Administration: [2]admin1, [1]admin2, [0]admin3 - dummy
5. Symptom1: [2]never, [1]some, [0]many - dummy
6. Symptom2: [2]never, [1]some, [0]many - dummy
7. Cost: 200, 300, 400, 500 - continuous
Requirements include as follows:
[*] Incorporating the survey responses into the design
The DCE contains two attributes with availability conditions on the levels. The benefit attributes are categorical improvements from the current treatment. For this purpose, respondents will be asked to state their current level. Only levels that are better than the current treatment level will be used to design the unlabelled medicines. Two questions will be asked prior to the DCE choice tasks to collect data on sfd and night which will be the reference level for status quo.
Respondents will be asked before the DCE: “How many symptoms do you currently experience?” Depending on their response, different levels are used in the DCE:
Response Level1 Level2 Level3
None None
Some None Some
Many None Some many
I'd like to have these #5 and #6 attributes dummy.
[*] Single design
3 levels of #5 att * 3 levels of #6 att = 9. This will create 9 different design but one with none sfd and none night is removed.
[*] Constraints
Device 2 and 3 can be only paired with [2]1 injection.
[*] Status quo
They will only present the reference level of the 2 attributes: symptom1 and symptom2.
Any feedback/advice would be greatly appreciated.
I'm writing to seek advice on the best approach.
To provide background on the attributes/levels:
Within the DCE, respondents will be presented with choices between “current treatment” and two unlabelled medicines.
1. Device : [0]device1, [1]device2, [2]device3, [3]device4 - dummy
2. Inj: [2]1 inj, [1]2 inj, [0]3 inj - dummy
3. Frequency: q4w, q2w, q1wk - continuous
4. Administration: [2]admin1, [1]admin2, [0]admin3 - dummy
5. Symptom1: [2]never, [1]some, [0]many - dummy
6. Symptom2: [2]never, [1]some, [0]many - dummy
7. Cost: 200, 300, 400, 500 - continuous
Requirements include as follows:
[*] Incorporating the survey responses into the design
The DCE contains two attributes with availability conditions on the levels. The benefit attributes are categorical improvements from the current treatment. For this purpose, respondents will be asked to state their current level. Only levels that are better than the current treatment level will be used to design the unlabelled medicines. Two questions will be asked prior to the DCE choice tasks to collect data on sfd and night which will be the reference level for status quo.
Respondents will be asked before the DCE: “How many symptoms do you currently experience?” Depending on their response, different levels are used in the DCE:
Response Level1 Level2 Level3
None None
Some None Some
Many None Some many
I'd like to have these #5 and #6 attributes dummy.
[*] Single design
3 levels of #5 att * 3 levels of #6 att = 9. This will create 9 different design but one with none sfd and none night is removed.
[*] Constraints
Device 2 and 3 can be only paired with [2]1 injection.
[*] Status quo
They will only present the reference level of the 2 attributes: symptom1 and symptom2.
Any feedback/advice would be greatly appreciated.
- Code: Select all
;alts (model1) = none*, trtA*, trtB*
;alts (model2) = none*, trtA*, trtB*
;alts (model3) = none*, trtA*, trtB*
;alts (model4) = none*, trtA*, trtB*
;alts (model5) = none*, trtA*, trtB*
;alts (model6) = none*, trtA*, trtB*
;alts (model7) = none*, trtA*, trtB*
;alts (model8) = none*, trtA*, trtB*
;rows = 36
;block= 3
;eff = fish(mnl,d)
;alg = mfederov(stop=total(600mins))
trtA.device = 2, trtA.injection = 2,
trtA.device = 3, trtA.injection = 2,
trtB.device = 2, trtB.injection = 2,
trtB.device = 3, trtB.injection = 2,
;fisher(Fish) = des1(model1[0.125]) + des2(model2[0.125]) +
des3(model3[0.125]) + des4(model4[0.125]) + des5(model5[0.125]) +
des6(model6[0.125]) + des7(model7[0.125]) + des8(model8[0.125])
b6[0.01]*symptom2none[1] /
b1.dummy[0|0|0] *device [0,1,2,3] +
b2.dummy[0.01|0.02] *inj[0,1,2] +
b3 [0.01]*frequency[1,2,4] +
b4.dummy[0.01|0.02]*admin[0,1,2] +
b6.dummy[0.01]*symptom2[1,2] +
b7[-0.0001]*cost[200,300,400,500] /
b1.dummy[0|0|0] *device [0,1,2,3] +
b2.dummy[0.01|0.02] *inj[0,1,2] +
b3 [0.01]*frequency[1,2,4] +
b4.dummy[0.01|0.02]*admin[0,1,2] +
b6.dummy[0.01]*symptom2[1,2] +
b6[0]*symptom2none[0] /
b1.dummy[0|0|0] *device [0,1,2,3] +
b2.dummy[0.01|0.02] *inj[0,1,2] +
b3 [0.01]*frequency[1,2,4] +
b4.dummy[0.01|0.02]*admin[0,1,2] +
b6.dummy[0.01|0.02]*symptom2[0,1,2] +
b7[-0.0001]*cost[200,300,400,500] /
b1.dummy[0|0|0] *device [0,1,2,3] +
b2.dummy[0.01|0.02] *inj[0,1,2] +
b3 [0.01]*frequency[1,2,4] +
b4.dummy[0.01|0.02]*admin[0,1,2] +
b6.dummy[0.01|0.02]*symptom2[0,1,2] +
b5[0.01]*symptom1none[1] /
b1.dummy[0|0|0] *device [0,1,2,3] +
b2.dummy[0.01|0.02] *inj[0,1,2] +
b3 [0.01]*frequency[1,2,4] +
b4.dummy[0.01|0.02]*admin[0,1,2] +
b5.dummy[0.01]*symptom1[1,2] +
b7[-0.0001]*cost[200,300,400,500] /
b1.dummy[0|0|0] *device [0,1,2,3] +
b2.dummy[0.01|0.02] *inj[0,1,2] +
b3 [0.01]*frequency[1,2,4] +
b4.dummy[0.01|0.02]*admin[0,1,2] +
b5.dummy[0.01]*symptom1[1,2] +
U(none)=b0[0] +
b5[0.01]*symptom1none[1] +
b1.dummy[0|0|0] *device [0,1,2,3] +
b2.dummy[0.01|0.02] *inj[0,1,2] +
b3 [0.01]*frequency[1,2,4] +
b4.dummy[0.01|0.02]*admin[0,1,2] +
b5.dummy[0.01]*symptom1[1,2] +
b6.dummy[0.01]*symptom2[1,2] +
b7[-0.0001]*cost[200,300,400,500] /
b1.dummy[0|0|0] *device [0,1,2,3] +
b2.dummy[0.01|0.02] *inj[0,1,2] +
b3 [0.01]*frequency[1,2,4] +
b4.dummy[0.01|0.02]*admin[0,1,2] +
b5.dummy[0.01]*symptom1[1,2] +
b6.dummy[0.01]*symptom2[1,2] +
U(none)=b0[0] +
b5[0.01]*symptom1none[1] +
b6[0]*symptom2none[0] /
b1.dummy[0|0|0] *device [0,1,2,3] +
b2.dummy[0.01|0.02] *inj[0,1,2] +
b3 [0.01]*frequency[1,2,4] +
b4.dummy[0.01|0.02]*admin[0,1,2] +
b5.dummy[0.01]*symptom1[1,2] +
b6.dummy[0.01|0.02]*symptom2[0,1,2] +
b7[-0.0001]*cost[200,300,400,500] /
b1.dummy[0|0|0] *device [0,1,2,3] +
b2.dummy[0.01|0.02] *inj[0,1,2] +
b3 [0.01]*frequency[1,2,4] +
b4.dummy[0.01|0.02]*admin[0,1,2] +
b5.dummy[0.01]*symptom1[1,2] +
b6.dummy[0.01|0.02]*symptom2[0,1,2] +
U(none)=b0[0] +
b5[0]*symptom1none[0] /
b1.dummy[0|0|0] *device [0,1,2,3] +
b2.dummy[0.01|0.02] *inj[0,1,2] +
b3 [0.01]*frequency[1,2,4] +
b4.dummy[0.01|0.02]*admin[0,1,2] +
b5.dummy[0.01|0.02]*symptom1[0,1,2] +
b7[-0.0001]*cost[200,300,400,500] /
b1.dummy[0|0|0] *device [0,1,2,3] +
b2.dummy[0.01|0.02] *inj[0,1,2] +
b3 [0.01]*frequency[1,2,4] +
b4.dummy[0.01|0.02]*admin[0,1,2] +
b5.dummy[0.01|0.02]*symptom1[0,1,2] +
U(none)=b0[0] +
b5[0]*symptom1none[0] +
b1.dummy[0|0|0] *device [0,1,2,3] +
b2.dummy[0.01|0.02] *inj[0,1,2] +
b3 [0.01]*frequency[1,2,4] +
b4.dummy[0.01|0.02]*admin[0,1,2] +
b5.dummy[0.01|0.02]*symptom1[0,1,2] +
b6.dummy[0.01]*symptom2[1,2] +
b7[-0.0001]*cost[200,300,400,500] /
b1.dummy[0|0|0] *device [0,1,2,3] +
b2.dummy[0.01|0.02] *inj[0,1,2] +
b3 [0.01]*frequency[1,2,4] +
b4.dummy[0.01|0.02]*admin[0,1,2] +
b5.dummy[0.01|0.02]*symptom1[0,1,2] +
b6.dummy[0.01]*symptom2[1,2] +
U(none)=b0[0] +
b5[0]*symptom1none[0] +
b6[0]*symptom2none[0] /
b1.dummy[0|0|0] *device [0,1,2,3] +
b2.dummy[0.01|0.02] *inj[0,1,2] +
b3 [0.01]*frequency[1,2,4] +
b4.dummy[0.01|0.02]*admin[0,1,2] +
b5.dummy[0.01|0.02]*symptom1[0,1,2] +
b6.dummy[0.01|0.02]*symptom2[0,1,2] +
b7[-0.0001]*cost[200,300,400,500] /
b1.dummy[0|0|0] *device [0,1,2,3] +
b2.dummy[0.01|0.02] *inj[0,1,2] +
b3 [0.01]*frequency[1,2,4] +
b4.dummy[0.01|0.02]*admin[0,1,2] +
b5.dummy[0.01|0.02]*symptom1[0,1,2] +
b6.dummy[0.01|0.02]*symptom2[0,1,2] +