Re: Bayesian Design

Dear Ngene team
I am new to the Ngene software and so to the Bayesian Desin.
Currently, I am working on irrigation water management which has a CE objective.
To this end, I have developed and ran the following design but it provides a D-error of 1.6 and the S-estimate requires more than 500 intervies which is by far greater than what it is supposed to be.
So, is there any problem to this design? Can you please show me a way out from this problem?
;alts = alt1*, alt2*, sq
;rows = 12
;eff = (mnl,d,mean)
; alg = mfederov(stop = total(100000 iterations))
sq.PRDUR = 1, sq.ALOM = 0, sq.IRGM = 0, sq.POLUNCER = 0 , sq.WTRPRI = 37.87
;bdraws = gauss(1)
U(alt1) = b2[(n,0.213649,0.057338)] * PRDUR[1,2,5] + b3 .dummy[(n,0.421583,0.108026)] * ALOM[0,1] +
b4 .dummy [(n,-0.087957,0.017974)|(n,-0.090775292,0.028759)] * IRGM[0,1,2] + b5 .dummy [(n,0.617929607,0.1824397)|(n, 0.699192869,0.2880091)] * POLUNCER[0,1,2] +
b6[(n,-0.023486492, 0.0098606)] * WTRPRI[18.94,37.87,75.74,113.61] /
U(alt2) = b2 * PRDUR +
b3 * ALOM +
b4 * IRGM +
b6 * WTRPRI /
U(sq) = b7[0] +
b2 * PRDUR +
b3 * ALOM +
b4 * IRGM +
I am new to the Ngene software and so to the Bayesian Desin.
Currently, I am working on irrigation water management which has a CE objective.
To this end, I have developed and ran the following design but it provides a D-error of 1.6 and the S-estimate requires more than 500 intervies which is by far greater than what it is supposed to be.
So, is there any problem to this design? Can you please show me a way out from this problem?
;alts = alt1*, alt2*, sq
;rows = 12
;eff = (mnl,d,mean)
; alg = mfederov(stop = total(100000 iterations))
sq.PRDUR = 1, sq.ALOM = 0, sq.IRGM = 0, sq.POLUNCER = 0 , sq.WTRPRI = 37.87
;bdraws = gauss(1)
U(alt1) = b2[(n,0.213649,0.057338)] * PRDUR[1,2,5] + b3 .dummy[(n,0.421583,0.108026)] * ALOM[0,1] +
b4 .dummy [(n,-0.087957,0.017974)|(n,-0.090775292,0.028759)] * IRGM[0,1,2] + b5 .dummy [(n,0.617929607,0.1824397)|(n, 0.699192869,0.2880091)] * POLUNCER[0,1,2] +
b6[(n,-0.023486492, 0.0098606)] * WTRPRI[18.94,37.87,75.74,113.61] /
U(alt2) = b2 * PRDUR +
b3 * ALOM +
b4 * IRGM +
b6 * WTRPRI /
U(sq) = b7[0] +
b2 * PRDUR +
b3 * ALOM +
b4 * IRGM +