Dominated alternatives.
Posted: Tue Mar 27, 2012 3:45 am
I am trying to create a choice experiment with 5 attributes in which we try to value the WTP for different elements of a renewable energy product.
The attributes have the following levels: distance (4), size (3), carbon reduced (4), jobs created (4), fee added monthly to electricity bill (8).
I have run 2 focus groups to obtain priors for this design, but the designs I get in Ngene don't seem to be in line with my intuition of a good design.
The syntax I have been using is the following:
My status quo has the following characteristics: distance: 35, size: 0, cars: 200 000, jobs: 500 and fee: 0
When I run the above, I get many scenarios with dominated choice alternatives or alternatives which are exactly the same OR alternatives which vary only in one attribute but have such a big fee differential that they create dominated alternatives. Also, Ngene always pairs the highest fee with the closest (worst) distance, and the lower fees with the furthest (best) distances. Also, the highest fee is always paired with the MOST carbon reduction, while the lowest fee is almost always paired with the HIGHEST carbon reduction. This doesn't really provide enough variation without causing correlation between these attribute levels....
Is there something I am doing wrong?
Does anyone have a suggestion how to better model this problem?
Any tips would be much appreciated.
Kind regards.
I am trying to create a choice experiment with 5 attributes in which we try to value the WTP for different elements of a renewable energy product.
The attributes have the following levels: distance (4), size (3), carbon reduced (4), jobs created (4), fee added monthly to electricity bill (8).
I have run 2 focus groups to obtain priors for this design, but the designs I get in Ngene don't seem to be in line with my intuition of a good design.
The syntax I have been using is the following:
- Code: Select all
;alts = alt1,alt2,sq
;wtp = ref1(*/b6)
U(alt1) = b2[(n,0.099014,0.021367)]*dist[5,8,12,18] + b3[(n,-0.00279,0.001203)]*size[64,100,144]+ b4[(n,0.000000321,0.000000484)]*cars[200000, 300000, 400000, 500000] + b5[(n,0.00035,0.00029)]*jobs[500, 800, 1100, 1400]+ b6[(n,-0.06408,0.021047)]*fee[0,3,6,9,14,20,25,30] /
U(alt2) = b2*dist + b3*size +b4*cars +b5*jobs +b6*fee/
U(sq) = sq[0.05]*sq[1]
My status quo has the following characteristics: distance: 35, size: 0, cars: 200 000, jobs: 500 and fee: 0
When I run the above, I get many scenarios with dominated choice alternatives or alternatives which are exactly the same OR alternatives which vary only in one attribute but have such a big fee differential that they create dominated alternatives. Also, Ngene always pairs the highest fee with the closest (worst) distance, and the lower fees with the furthest (best) distances. Also, the highest fee is always paired with the MOST carbon reduction, while the lowest fee is almost always paired with the HIGHEST carbon reduction. This doesn't really provide enough variation without causing correlation between these attribute levels....
Is there something I am doing wrong?
Does anyone have a suggestion how to better model this problem?
Any tips would be much appreciated.
Kind regards.