Hi Ngene experts
I'm a novice Ngene user so I'm attempting to design my first DCE. I have 2 healthcare alternatives (treatment v no treatment), 6 attributes, 5 with 3 levels and 1 with 2 levels. The no-treatment option has only 3 attributes (recur, mild tox, cost is always $0) as you would expect that if you're not receiving treatment there are no fatal or permanent side-effects and no cost. Regarding logical/plausible choice tasks I've added one constraint that I think restricts pts having 4 weekly treatment to 2 levels of cost, $750 or $1500. Could you confirm this is correct?
As this is a patient and clinician DCE I'm trying to limit the scenarios and have attempted to create 2 blocks of 9 choice sets so each participant will see 9 scenarios, is this correct? Another alternative was to create 12 rows (scenarios).
I'm unsure if my syntax is correct as Ngene has been working for over 3 hrs now and has completed nearly 300,000 evaluations, does this sound correct?
I have a few issues with dominance and can see how to address these with unlabelled DCE how do I do this with a labelled DCE?
For example, I don't want a scenario where the chance of cancer returning is lowest, the chance of treatment side effects is lowest, the frequency of treatment is lowest, and the cost is the lowest. How do you suggest I manage this?
Thanks Ann
;alts=treat, notreat
;eff=(mnl, d)
if(treat.reg=4, treat.cost=[750,1500])
U(treat) = b1[0.5]*recur[36,42,50] +
b2[-0.005]*mild[1,12,37] +
b3[-0.1]*fatal[0,1,3] +
b4[-0.05]*perm[1,10,14] +
b5[-0.001]*reg[3,4] +
b6[-0.03]*cost[750,1500,6000] /
U(notreat) = b1 *recur2[50,56,62] +
b2 *mild2[11,17,33] +
b6 *cost2[0]