Generating a design.

Dear All,
I'm new to choice experiments; my questions may sound silly. I'm doing a research in the egg industry intending to use unlabelled alternatives. I have run the syntax below for 10 hours until I had to stop the system. I got the following MNL efficiency measures are as follows;
S estimate 1767.389666
My questions are as follows:
- Is the syntax ok?
- Is it normal for Ngene to run for 10 hours without finding the best design?
- I had the, "no choice option," but it is not showing under the formatted scenarios.
- My study have levels which are so specific, for example the attribute, "use of cages," have yes and none levels. From the trail run I had, the levels keep changing which does not make sense, for example when the attribute level, "yes," for use of cages appears under the free - range system which does not use cages. How can I have levels fixed?
- I intend to include interactions, will this affect the efficiency of the design?
- I also intend to use blocking method to reduce the burden on respondents.
- How do I treat price as a continuous variable?
;alts= Choice A, Choice B, Choice C, Choice D, Choice E, None
U(Choice A)=bUse of cages.dummy[-0.042]*Use of cages[1,0]+bAnimal welfare certification .dummy[0.17]*Animal welfare certification[1,0]+bAccess to outdoors[0.140]*Access to outdoors[1,0]+bPrice[-0.47]*Price[4,5,6,7,8]/
U(Choice B)=bUse of cages *Use of cages+bAnimal welfare certification *Animal welfare certification+bAccess to outdoors *Access to outdoors+bPrice*Price /
U(Choice C)=bUse of cages *Use of cages+bAnimal welfare certification *Animal welfare certification+bAccess to outdoors *Access to outdoors+bPrice*Price /
U(Choice D)=bUse of cages *Use of cages+bAnimal welfare certification *Animal welfare certification+bAccess to outdoors *Access to outdoors+bPrice*Price /
U(Choice E)=bUse of cages *Use of cages+bAnimal welfare certification *Animal welfare certification+bAccess to outdoors *Access to outdoors+bPrice*Price /
U(None)= b0(0)
I'm new to choice experiments; my questions may sound silly. I'm doing a research in the egg industry intending to use unlabelled alternatives. I have run the syntax below for 10 hours until I had to stop the system. I got the following MNL efficiency measures are as follows;
S estimate 1767.389666
My questions are as follows:
- Is the syntax ok?
- Is it normal for Ngene to run for 10 hours without finding the best design?
- I had the, "no choice option," but it is not showing under the formatted scenarios.
- My study have levels which are so specific, for example the attribute, "use of cages," have yes and none levels. From the trail run I had, the levels keep changing which does not make sense, for example when the attribute level, "yes," for use of cages appears under the free - range system which does not use cages. How can I have levels fixed?
- I intend to include interactions, will this affect the efficiency of the design?
- I also intend to use blocking method to reduce the burden on respondents.
- How do I treat price as a continuous variable?
;alts= Choice A, Choice B, Choice C, Choice D, Choice E, None
U(Choice A)=bUse of cages.dummy[-0.042]*Use of cages[1,0]+bAnimal welfare certification .dummy[0.17]*Animal welfare certification[1,0]+bAccess to outdoors[0.140]*Access to outdoors[1,0]+bPrice[-0.47]*Price[4,5,6,7,8]/
U(Choice B)=bUse of cages *Use of cages+bAnimal welfare certification *Animal welfare certification+bAccess to outdoors *Access to outdoors+bPrice*Price /
U(Choice C)=bUse of cages *Use of cages+bAnimal welfare certification *Animal welfare certification+bAccess to outdoors *Access to outdoors+bPrice*Price /
U(Choice D)=bUse of cages *Use of cages+bAnimal welfare certification *Animal welfare certification+bAccess to outdoors *Access to outdoors+bPrice*Price /
U(Choice E)=bUse of cages *Use of cages+bAnimal welfare certification *Animal welfare certification+bAccess to outdoors *Access to outdoors+bPrice*Price /
U(None)= b0(0)