Hi, I would like to consult how to compare two similar design.
Since we had a pilot survey, I used the priors obtained to create a Bayesian design with random distributed parameters.
The random parameters could be travel time, cost, and ASC of car or a combination of two or three of them. So I conducted several design with the combination of the random parameters.
However the results of those design seem to be very similar to me since D-error value and their probabilities of the four alternatives.
So I am wondering is there any criteria can be applied to find the most optimal design?
?Bayesian Design travel time, cost and car asc
;alts = train*, bus*, car*, plane*
;rows = 40
;block = 8
;eff = (mnl,d, mean)
;alg = mfederov(candidates=9000)
bus.costb <train.costt
U(train)=b1[0.331067]+a1[(n, -0.171902,0.15)]*timet[3.25,3.75,4,4.25,4.75](7-9,7-9,7-9,7-9,7-9)+a2[(n,-0.005966,0.003)]*costt[30,40,50,60,70](7-9,7-9,7-9,7-9,7-9)+a3[-0.085255]*headwayt[1,2,3,4]+a4[-0.4]*waitt[0.083,0.16,0.25,0.33]/
U(bus)= b2[-0.219142] + a1*timeb[8,8.25,8.5,8.75,9]+a2*costb[15,20,25,30,35]+a3*headwayb[2,4,6,8]+a4*waitt[0.083,0.16,0.25,0.33]/
U(car)= b3[(n,-0.3015453,0.9)]+a1*timec[6,6.5,7,7.5]+a2*costt[30,40,50,60,70](7-9,7-9,7-9,7-9,7-9)/
U(plane)= a1*timep[1,1.25,1.5, 1.75, 2](1-9,1-9,1-9,1-9,1-9)+a2*costp[70,90,110,130,150]+a3*headwayp[4,8,12,24]+a4*waittp[0.5,0.75,1,1.25]$