I have run a DCE with 12 single profile choice tasks per ppt - they answer Yes or No to each choice task. As a result I am using standard logistic regression to model my data - there's a single row for each participant and choice task, and each row contains the DCE attributes (4 effects coded and 1 continuous) and a choice variable (0 = No, 1 = Yes). In other words, there is no row for the No option.
I am using a mixed effects logistic regression to model the utility of the decision to say Yes and include random intercepts and slopes for ppt_id. Ideally I want to also explore preference heterogeneity using latent class analysis. My problem is I can't work out how to do this in Stata because my data is not in the right layout to use the lclogit command (requires multiple alternatives (i.e. rows) per choice task). I have tried using the gsem method instead (e.g. gsem(choice <- choice var1 var2), logit lclass(C2)) which works but there doesn't seem to be an option to account for panel data.
My question is, is it possible to run a latent class analysis for this type of binary data while also accounting for multiple observations per participant - and if so, is it possible in Stata and/or any other software?
Thanks very much in advance.