Dear Michiel,
I was hoping to get some advice on the results of my pilot study (n=12).
1. The size and sign of the coefficient for the dummy coded variable social history is unusual. My result suggests that the likelihood of a clinician choosing a more intensive medication regime would be decreased (massively) if the patient lived with others.
2. The sign for both CV event and falls are unusual. My results suggest that clinicians would be more likely to prescribe a more intensive treatment target despite the risk of falls and risk of CV events increasing. So doctors are happy to accept a greater risk of falls and CV events with the intensive regimen (as opposed to a standard regimen).
intensive 0.117467
(scenario variables)
Age -0.049269
baseline BP 0.044589
lives with others 2.908938
multi morbidity -0.792211
cardio event 0.232641
fall event 0.301915
dig health avail -0.322193
peer support -0.158847
Any advice would be appreciated.
Kind regards