Segmented models

Hi Michiel, John and Andrew,
I wanted to get your advice and confirm my understanding in relation to two issues in completing segmented consumer discrete choice studies.
In short – I have completed a segmented study on consumer preference to a new product. I segmented consumers based on their location, into have 3 groups.
My issues are:
1. Evaluating model performance across the 3 groups:
For the analysis, I completed three models, MNL, MNL with sociodemographics and a Mixed Logit Model.
I wanted to determine which model performed the best in relation to model fit.
In order to compare model, fit across the models, I used the adjusted rho-square to account for additional variables and then the non-nested hypothesis test proposed by Horowitz (1982) as they are not restricted versions of one another. Is this approach correct?
Obviously, I also look at the parameters and significance in each model etc?
2. Evaluating the MRS between segmented groups
Once the optimal model was selected, I then wanted to compare the MRS of attributes between segments. For example, segment A values attribute 1 higher than segment b.
I intended to estimate the point estimates and t-stats and confidence interval using the delta method.
Am I correct in my understanding that if the MRS estimate is significant and the confidence intervals between segments do not overlap, I can say there is a significant difference in between MRS measures.
Thanks you so much for all your assistance. I really appreciate the advice.
I wanted to get your advice and confirm my understanding in relation to two issues in completing segmented consumer discrete choice studies.
In short – I have completed a segmented study on consumer preference to a new product. I segmented consumers based on their location, into have 3 groups.
My issues are:
1. Evaluating model performance across the 3 groups:
For the analysis, I completed three models, MNL, MNL with sociodemographics and a Mixed Logit Model.
I wanted to determine which model performed the best in relation to model fit.
In order to compare model, fit across the models, I used the adjusted rho-square to account for additional variables and then the non-nested hypothesis test proposed by Horowitz (1982) as they are not restricted versions of one another. Is this approach correct?
Obviously, I also look at the parameters and significance in each model etc?
2. Evaluating the MRS between segmented groups
Once the optimal model was selected, I then wanted to compare the MRS of attributes between segments. For example, segment A values attribute 1 higher than segment b.
I intended to estimate the point estimates and t-stats and confidence interval using the delta method.
Am I correct in my understanding that if the MRS estimate is significant and the confidence intervals between segments do not overlap, I can say there is a significant difference in between MRS measures.
Thanks you so much for all your assistance. I really appreciate the advice.