Hi all
I am very new to the design of DCE and so please bear with me.
I am looking to design an online DCE for approx. 500 individuals. I will have 5 attributes, each with 3 attribute levels and I would like to present 3 alternatives per choice task. I did a small pilot study in about 100 subjects where they were presented with a similar DCE. Although I have decided to change one of the attributes as I didn’t find one of them very informative. All attribute levels have an implied order (e.g. low, adequate or optimal nutrition content (nut: 0, 1, 2) and cost (cost: $5, 10, 15)).
I thought as a minimum I could include information on whether the priors werepositive or negative (fifth prior was based on literature). I investigated the foldover option and also the blocking option but was unable to get blocks of 12 tasks and the first choice task always included identical meal alternatives. The syntax I used was:
;alts = mealA, mealB, mealC
;rows = 36
;orth = sim
;block = 3
U(mealA) = b1 + btaste*taste[0,1,2] + btime*time[5,15,30] + bnut*nut[0,1,2] + bcost*cost[5,10,15] + bqual*qual[0,1,2] /
U(mealB) = btaste*taste + btime*time + bnut*nut + bcost*cost + bqual*qual /
U(mealC) = btaste*taste + btime*time + bnut*nut + bcost*cost + bqual*qual $
So I instead used the design detailed below.
;alts = mealA, mealB, mealC
;rows = 12
;eff = (mnl,d)
U(mealA) = b1[0] + btaste[0.001]*taste[0,1,2] + btime[-0.001]*time[5,15,30] + bnut[0.001]*nut[0,1,2] + bcost[-0.001]*cost[5,10,15] + bqual[0.001]*qual[0,1,2] /
U(mealB) = btaste*taste + btime*time + bnut*nut + bcost*cost + bqual*qual /
U(mealC) = btaste*taste + btime*time + bnut*nut + bcost*cost + bqual*qual $
The MNL efficiencies for this second design were as follows
D error 0.024422
A error 0.078445
B estimate 99.98175
S estimate 496916.634033
So my questions are:
1) Can I still use priors in this new study even though I only have prior data for 4 of the 5 attributes? These attributes were dummy coded so I have coefficients and SE for each attribute level. If I can, how could I incorporate this into the syntax?
2) If I can’t use the priors then I thought that indicating the sign would be better than nothing. I thus made the values very close to zero (e.g. taste[0.001]), is this correct?
3) Should I use dummy coding or effects coding instead of treating attribute levels as “continuous”? Would I then use syntax like this for example: btaste.effects[0.001|0.002]*taste[0,1,2]?
4) Why was the first design not creating 12 choice tasks per block? Any why did the first choice task include three identical meal alternatives?
5) Is the second design acceptable? How can I improve it? I appreciate that the S estimate must be very large given that my priors are so close to zero.
6) I want to include a two-step opt out option, where I present a forced choice task followed by a question about whether they would actually eat that meal (Y/N). It this acceptable or should this be incorporated into the experimental design and then followed by a force choice question?
Thank you in advance and I look forward to hearing from you.
Best wishes