Candidate set too large
Posted: Tue Jun 09, 2020 11:01 pm
Dear all,
We are working on a DCE to elicit preferences for a patient reported outcome measure. Although we have reduced as much as possible the profile measure, we still end up with 13 attributes with 4 levels each. To simplify choice task complexity we plan to use an overlapping design with 6 overlapping attributes and 7 non overlapping attributes. The overlapping design would be explicit i.e. we would still show the level for overlapping attributes.
We are attempting to create the external candidate set with overlapping attributes, as requested by Ngene. We understand the standard way forward for an attribute level overlap design would be to calculate a full factorial design (all possible choice pairs that might exist), limit this to a randomly selected % of the overall factorial design e.g. 1% and use this to improve the design modelling properties in ngene. However, our profile measure has more than 67 million possible states, which results in 67 million x 67 million. No commercial software (STATA has a limit of 2 billion) can handle such amount of observations.
We have thought of a solution. We could estimate a dataset with 67 million possible health states. We can then randomly select approximately 60000 of them, calculate based on them all possible pairwise tasks, remove dominant alternatives and non overlapping alternatives and use this as our candidate set (1 billion possible pairs). This approach has the limit of excluding a random large set of possible health state pairs before hand.
My questions:
1. Have you experienced a similar issue in the past and used a workaround?
2. Do you see any issues with our idea to solve the problem?
Kind regards and thanks in advance for any help or advice you can provide,
We are working on a DCE to elicit preferences for a patient reported outcome measure. Although we have reduced as much as possible the profile measure, we still end up with 13 attributes with 4 levels each. To simplify choice task complexity we plan to use an overlapping design with 6 overlapping attributes and 7 non overlapping attributes. The overlapping design would be explicit i.e. we would still show the level for overlapping attributes.
We are attempting to create the external candidate set with overlapping attributes, as requested by Ngene. We understand the standard way forward for an attribute level overlap design would be to calculate a full factorial design (all possible choice pairs that might exist), limit this to a randomly selected % of the overall factorial design e.g. 1% and use this to improve the design modelling properties in ngene. However, our profile measure has more than 67 million possible states, which results in 67 million x 67 million. No commercial software (STATA has a limit of 2 billion) can handle such amount of observations.
We have thought of a solution. We could estimate a dataset with 67 million possible health states. We can then randomly select approximately 60000 of them, calculate based on them all possible pairwise tasks, remove dominant alternatives and non overlapping alternatives and use this as our candidate set (1 billion possible pairs). This approach has the limit of excluding a random large set of possible health state pairs before hand.
My questions:
1. Have you experienced a similar issue in the past and used a workaround?
2. Do you see any issues with our idea to solve the problem?
Kind regards and thanks in advance for any help or advice you can provide,