The Ngene manual explains that "the wider the attribute level range, the higher the efficiency of the design can be (p 105)." I assume this means, in efficient designs, Ngene chooses attribute levels for alternatives as to maximize level difference across alternatives and choice sets in the design. I've also read in a few board posts that a fractional factorial design (FFD) assumes 0 for the parameter priors and exactly equates to an efficient design for an MNL model assuming 0 for the parameter priors and D-error as the optimality criterion.
1. Will an ;eff = (mnl,d) design with 0 priors that is orthogonal still be more efficient than a orthogonal FFD, since the attribute levels were chosen in a way to minimize the standard errors (even though there is no directional information for the betas) and FFD levels were merely chosen to be orthogonal? Section 7.1.6 of the manual was unclear to me.
2. Is there any level of correlation across attributes in an efficient design at which an orthogonal FFD would be better, based on the criterion that a MNL model with an orthogonal FFD can be estimated with certainty (albeit in another forum post John explains that Hensher Rose and Greene (2005) provide data with correlations up to 0.9 and models were successfully estimated)?
3. Lets say an analyst has zero priors and develops a orthogonal FFD in Ngene. Would Ngene be able to find a orthogonal efficient design with the same criteria used to develop the orthogonal FFD?
4. Using the design syntax on pg. 75 of the Ngene manual, I created both a FFD and an efficient design (i.e. by switching ;orth = sim to ;eff = (mnl,d)). The correlation structure of the efficient design generated from the 338 evaluation (I let Ngene run for an hour and it did not produce a new design after 338) is as follows:
Attribute alt1.a alt1.b alt2.a alt2.c Block
alt1.a 1 0 -1 0 0
alt1.b 0 1 0 0 0
alt2.a -1 0 1 0 0
alt2.c 0 0 0 1 0
Block 0 0 0 0 1
Could a model from this design be estimable?
Thank you for any help.
Best regards,