Orthogonal Design Inquiry

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Orthogonal Design Inquiry

Postby tsilberg » Mon Aug 14, 2017 10:50 pm

Please forgive this novice question, but I am trying to create choice sets for an orthogonal design. I have no idea how to write the syntax to make the choice sets. I’ve read the manual, but the code is foreign to me. I was wondering if anyone has some syntax I could mimic. Here’s what I’m trying to do-

I would present 2 possible farming practices to participants to choose from or continue what they’re doing (i.e., opt out). Thus, they would have 3 options per choice set. I have a total of 5 farming practices and was hoping to make 6 choice sets in total where there’s not an obvious choice for participants to make (i.e., they would have to make tradeoff). I take it, NGENE would make sure these sets have a tradeoff and the best choice is not obvious. Each choice has 5 attributes with varying magnitudes. Listed below are the attributes and their levels according to each choice-

Attribute 1: Weed prevalence (1,2,3), Attribute 2: Labor (1,2,3), Attribute 3: Input Cost ($65,000MKW, $75,000MKW, $95,000MKW), Attribute 4: Maize Yield (0.75 tons, 1.25 ton, 1.75 tons, 2.25 tons), Attribute 5: Legume Yield (0 kg, 300 kg, 600 kg)

Choice 1 – Parasitic Weed Prevalence: 1, Labor: 2, Input Cost: 75,000, Maize Yield: 1.25, Legume Yield: 600
Choice 2– Parasitic Weed Prevalence: 1, Labor: 3, Input Cost: 75,000, Maize Yield: 2.00, Legume Yield: 300
Choice 3– Parasitic Weed Prevalence: 2, Labor: 3, Input Cost: 65,000, Maize Yield: 2.00, Legume Yield: 0
Choice 4– Parasitic Weed Prevalence: 3, Labor: 1, Input Cost: 65,000, Maize Yield: 0.75, Legume Yield: 0
Choice 5– Parasitic Weed Prevalence: 1, Labor: 1, Input Cost: 95,000, Maize Yield: 2.25, Legume Yield: 0
Choice 6– Opt out

Any and all help is much appreciated. Again, apologies for this basic question. It’s my first time using NGENE and I’m a bit lost.
Posts: 6
Joined: Sat Aug 12, 2017 12:11 am

Re: Orthogonal Design Inquiry

Postby Michiel Bliemer » Tue Aug 15, 2017 12:11 pm

See my answer to your question in the stated choice experimental design forum.
Michiel Bliemer
Posts: 1943
Joined: Tue Mar 31, 2009 4:13 pm

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