Hi all,
I am quite new to NGene and have been trying in the last days to prepare a design very similar to the one used by Li, Hensher and Rose (2010). Willingness to Pay for travel time reliability in passenger transport: a review and some new empirical evidence. TR-E 46:384-403.
My design refers to a mode coice and I am finding it difficult to design the attributes reporting probabilities of a service being a number of minutes early or late (as well as on time).
Here is the code I am using
alts= air, train, car, coach, no travel;
eff= (mnl,d);
air.PAEa + air.PuAir + air.PAL1 + air.PAL2 = 100,
train.PTEa + train.PuTr + train.PTL1 + train.PTL2 = 100,
car.PCaEa + car.PuCa + car.PCaL1 + car.PCaL2 = 100,
coach.PCoEa + coach.PuCo + coach.PCoL1 + coach.PCoL2 = 100;
U(air)=A1[-0.01]* AAT [90,120,150,180,210]+ A2[-0.06]*ADur [70,90,105]+ A3 [-0.08]* ACost [50,80,110,140,170,200,230] +
i1A[-0.001]* EaAir [10,20,30]* PAEa [0,10,20] + A4[0.1]* PuAir [0,10,20] + i2A[0.001]*L1Air [15,45,90,150,210,270] *PAL1 [30,40,50] + i3A[0.002]* L2Air
[30,60,120,180,240,300] * PAL2 [40,50,60]/
U(train)=B1[-0.01]* TAT [30,45,60,75,90]+ B2[-0.001]*TDur [210,240,270,300]+ B3 [-0.01]* TCost [40,70,100,130,160,190,220] +
i1T[-0.001 ]* EaTr [10,20,30]* PTEa [0,10,20] + B4[0.1]* PuTr [0,10,20] + i2T[0.001]*L1Tr [15,45,90,150,210,270] *PTL1 [30,40,50] + i3T[0.002]* L2Tr
[30,60,120,180,240,300] * PTL2 [40,50,60]/
U(car)=C2[-0.06]*CaDur [390,420,450,480]+ C3 [-0.001]* CaCost [60,90,120,150,180,210,240] +
i1Ca[0.001]* EaCa [20,40,60]* PCaEa [0,10,20] + C4[0.1]* PuCa [0,10,20] + i2Ca[0.001]*L1Ca [15,45,90,150,210,270] *PCaL1 [30,40,50] + i3Ca[0.002]* L2Ca
[30,60,120,180,240,300] * PCaL2 [40,50,60]/
U(coach)=D1[-0.03]* CoAT [30,45,60,75,90]+ D3[-0.06]*CoDur [480,510,540,570]+ D4 [-0.02]* CoCost [20,40,60,80,100] +
i1Co[-0.001]* EaCo [10,20,30]* PCoEa [0,10,20] + b5[0.1]* PuCo [0,10,20] + i2Co[0.001]*L1Co [15,45,90,150,210,270] *PCoL1 [30,40,50] + i3Co[0.002]* L2Co
[30,60,120,180,240,300] * PcoL2 [40,50,60] $
Under the require property I want four probability measures for each mode (which are then interacted with the amoung of delay) to sum 100. It has not worked as the four probabilities do not sum up to 100 in each scenario, and after a more careful read of the manual I have realised that the require property, if I understand rightly, only allows for combinations of attribute levels to be specified.
Is there a way of making attributes to sum 100 or any other number. I am not sure my code above is the right one, and any help in better understanding the way to design such an experiment would be very welcomed.