I'm writing to ask for advice regarding Ngene codes. This is my first time using Ngene. While this is a challenging task to me, it may be quite dull to most of experts.
The design consists of 3 alternatives (standard of care, treatment A, treatment B) with 7 attributes (bm, aff, hypocalc, mvf, osteonerc, admin, cost). The standard of care (std) is presented with 7 attributes with a reference level each. An error message keeps appearing that the attributes have a wrong number of levels. The codes I've tries are shown below:
- Code: Select all
;alt=std, trtA, trtB
;eff=(mnl, d, mean)
+b7.d[0.3|0.2|0.1]*cost[0] /
+b7*cost1[3,2,1,0] /
? all the attribute levels are dummy coded
? b1(bm), b4(mvf), b5(osteonecr), b7(cost) have 4 levels each (ordinal)
? b2(aff) has 3 levels (ordinal)
? b3(hypocalc) has 2 levels (categorical - yes/no)
? b6(admin) have 3 levels (categorical - infusion, injection, NA)
? b1, b2, b4, b5, b7 are random parameters with Beyesian priors
? b1, b2, b4, b5, b7: the first attribute level has been assigned a prior parameter value of 0.3, the second 0.2, the third 0.3, and the final omitted level, a value of zero
? b3, b6: random parameters following a normal distribution with mean 0.0 and SD 0.1
The codes above did not run, so I referred to pg160 in Ngene manual and tried different strategies including as follows.
I am stuck and would like some guidance. Please review. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you,