Hi all,
I'm having a doubt about my design and I need help to confirm that I'm on the right track for my pilot study. Honestly, I have zero knowledge in the choice experiment but really willing to explore more. I just started using Ngene a month ago and develop my syntax based on the manual (very helpful !!!) and the posts of this forum.
Here is my syntax for pilot study:
;alts = alt1*, alt2*, alt3
;rows = 16
;eff = (mnl,d)
U(alt1) = b2.dummy[0|0|0] * A[0,1,2,3] + b3.dummy[0|0] * B[0,1,2] + b4.dummy[0|0] * C[0,1,2] + b5.dummy[0|0] * D[0,1,2] + b6[-0.0001] * E[1.30,1.50,1.70,1.90] /
U(alt2) = b2* A+ b3* B+ b4* C+ b5* D+ b6 * E
Few questions which might be sound very naive and nonsense :
1) I had tried running a syntax without (-) negative prior on the price variable (E). It works fine. But, according to literature, price relationship should be negative in nature and that's why I inserted the negative prior (-0.0001). However, Ngene unable to provide me with a design. Am I doing something wrong?
2) When all the prior assume as zero, S estimate should be zero as well?
3) I plan to insert a compensatory effect into my study. I read about the 'attribute non-attendance' literature by David Hensher and Rose. And I found that the effect or model will be inserted/tested later when I get the final data and not at this choice design stage. Am I right?
Please help me!!!!