I have a labelled experiment with three alternatives plus a no choice option. I have carried out two pilots now, the second after I refined my attributes and alternatives. The priors from my second pilot (45 people) were ok but two of the attributes (source and availability) were not significant. I ran the code with the real priors and SEs in anyway and it resulted in S estimates that were huge (>3000), so in the code below I have removed these and replaced them with 1 and -1, based on the direction for the priors in the pilot.
My question is: a) is my coding right; and b) is this the right approach to take? I could probably estimate based on my knowledge, and the literature what the rough preferences would be for source and availability, but I am not sure how to do this alongside the actual priors from the the pilot that I already have e.g. I know from the literature that the people I hope to target with this experiment tend to prefer the '0' source level, but my pilot suggested (albeit insignificant) preferences for '1'. Any suggestions?
I am also not sure how to deal with the b1 constant in a labelled experiment - the below code uses the intercept value (there was a strong preference for alt1) but is that correct?
- Code: Select all
;alts = alt1,alt2,alt3,alt4
;eff = (mnl,d,median)
;rows = 25
;block =4
;cond :
U(alt1) = b1[(n,-1.130, 0.149)] + source[(n,1,0)]*source[0,1] + avail[(n,-1,0)]* avail[0,1] + form[(n,-0.296,0.116)]* form[0,1]+ price[(n,-0.001,0)]*price[10,100,250,500,1000]/
U(alt2) =b1+source*source +avail* avail + form* form+ price*price/
U(alt3) = b1+ source*source +avail* avail + form* form+ price*price
MNL efficiency measures
Fixed Mean Std dev. Median Minimum Maximum
D error 0.016593 0.016747 0.001461 0.016602 0.014037 0.021233
A error 0.359925 0.363356 0.031812 0.359745 0.304172 0.460436
B estimate 20.829165 20.96379 4.601412 20.845549 10.741518 31.983946
S estimate 18.669063 45.922478 126.870047 18.761615 4.734408 1355.678791
Prior source avail form price
Fixed prior value 1 -1 -0.296 -0.001
Sp estimates 1.875208 2.019829 18.669063 2.88119
Sp t-ratios 1.431302 1.37911 0.453623 1.154703
Sb mean estimates 1.89193 2.037997 45.922478 2.905603
Sb mean t-ratios 1.428911 1.376896 0.454238 1.152596
I have also been reading about the designs that use varying scenarios, and this is great as I was originally thinking of running two experiments each with a different scenario. I have not tried this yet as I want to sort out the priors first, but would it be relatively simple to add two scenario options into the above code, or would it require a bit more thought than that?