by johnr » Thu Aug 23, 2012 12:48 pm
dear Nashkato
Blocking involves attempting to locate an additional column which is orthogonal to the remainder of your design attributes. If your design attributes are orthogonal, this may be possible. When you let go of orthogonality, the design attributes are no longer uncorrelated amongst each other and it will generally not be possible to locate an orthogonal blocking column that is orthogonal to a non-orthogonal set of columns.
To locate a blocking column for a non-orthogonal design, Ngene randomly searches through blocking columns and attempts to minimise the correlation between the blocking column and the design columns. Given that it will use different seeds, it will locate different blocking columns each time, unless you use a larger number of iterations in the sorting (which at some point converge to the same solution). You can change the default values in the blocking column search. This is described in Section 11.3.4 of the manual.