Hi Michiel,
I have tried to run two design in Ngene and I have some problem.
For design 1:
I have 4 attributes with 2-2-2-5 levels (in unlabelled case).
My design is the following:
;alts = Service_A, Service_B, Service_C, Service_D
;rows = 8
;block = 2
;eff = (mnl,d)
U(Service_A) = b2[0.0001] * int[0,1]
+ b3[0.0001] * iter[0,1]
+ b4[0.0001] * mobil[0,1]
+ b5[-0.0001] * cost[10,20,30,40,50]
U(Service_B) = b2*int + b3*iter + b4*mobil + b5*cost /
U(Service_C) = b2*int + b3*iter + b4*mobil + b5*cost /
U(Service_D) = b2*int + b3*iter + b4*mobil + b5*cost
Int, inter and mobil attributes have only two levels (0-no,1-yes), so I used linear instead of dummy coding.
I haven't got any informations about prior values. This research will be only a pilot study before the final research.
In this case, I get a lot of decision situations that contain dominant alternative.
I have tried to use "*"signal, but I get an error message (I have too much dominant alternatives).
What can I do in this case?
For design 2
I have 7 attributes with 2-2-2-2-2-2-5 levels (in unlabelled case).
My design is the following:
;alts = Service_A, Service_B, Service_C, Service_D
;rows = 8
;block = 2
;eff = (mnl,d)
U(Service_A) = b2[0.0001] * at[0,1]
+ b3[0.0001] * in[0,1]
+ b4[0.0001] * mo[0,1]
+ b5[0.0001] * bi[0,1]
+ b6[0.0001] * ie[0,1]
+ b7[0.0001] * we[0,1]
+ b8[-0.0001] * cost[10,20,30,40,50]
U(Service_B) = b2*at + b3*in + b4*mo + b5*bi + b6*ie + b7*we + b8*cost /
U(Service_C) = b2*at + b3*in + b4*mo + b5*bi + b6*ie + b7*we + b8*cost /
U(Service_D) = b2*at + b3*in + b4*mo + b5*bi + b6*ie + b7*we + b8*cost
This is a same situation, I get a lot of decision situations with dominant alternatives. Every attributes have two levels (0:no,1-yes), except the cost.
This is also a pilot study.
What can I do in this cases?
I can not increase the number of levels, because these are really a two level attributes.
Thank you very much for your help!