I would like to create a design that has a partial interaction. In particular, I would like to take two dummy-coded variables and interact the first level of one with all levels of the other. I tried the following:
;alts = respond, not
;rows = 32
u(respond) = b0[-5] + b1.dummy[.3|.3|.2]*message[1:4:1] +
b2.dummy[.3|.3|.3|.3|.3|.3|.3]*incentive[1:8:1] +
b3.dummy[.6|.3|.2]*format[1:4:1] +
b4.dummy[0.2]*callout[1,2] +
b5.dummy[.3|.3|.3]*format.dummy[1]*message[1,2,3,4] +
I got the following error message: Error: An interaction term is associated with a dummy or effects coded parameter. Interactions of dummy or effects coded attributes are not currently supported. 'b5.dummy[.3|.3|.3]*format.dummy[1]*message[1,2,3,4]'
The following works but it treats the interaction as continuous rather than discrete. I'm not sure I'm getting the most efficient design this way, and the design I got shows a high degree of correlation between the main effect of format[1] and other variables.
;alts = respond, not
;rows = 32
u(respond) = b0[-5] + b1.dummy[.3|.3|.2]*message[1:4:1] +
b2.dummy[.3|.3|.3|.3|.3|.3|.3]*incentive[1:8:1] +
b3.dummy[.6|.3|.2]*format[1:4:1](8-16,4-8,4-8,4-8) +
b4.dummy[0.2]*callout[1,2] +
b5[.3]*format.dummy[1]*message +
I can't include the full interaction because I have not enough degrees of freedom with rows=32 to estimate it.
Any suggestions?