Hi Michiel!
I was hoping you may be able to help me with my S-estimate/sample size in Ngene. I have obtained priors from STATA output from a pilot study of 21 respondents. I used the coefficient values, where if the coefficient was .5678 I would write the prior as 0.6 in the output below:
;alts = Opioid, NSAID, optout
;rows = 60
;block = 5, minmax, noimprov(10 secs)
;eff = (mnl,d)
U(Opioid) = b0 + b1.dummy[0.3]* LBP[2,1]
+ b2.dummy[0.2|0.3|0.3] * Comm[1,2,3,0]
+ b3.dummy[0.2|0.2|0.3] * Opioid[2,3,4,1]
+ b4[0.08] * Pain[2,1]
+ b5[-.005] * AEs[2,1] /
U(NSAID) = b6 + b7.dummy[0.6] * LBP[LBP]
+ b8.dummy[0.6|0.6|0.5] * Comm[Comm]
+ b9.dummy[0.2] * NSAID[2,1]
+ b10[0.007] *Pain[2,1]
+ b11[0.003]*AEs[2,1]
However I got a huge s-estimate, indicating that there must be something wrong with these priors?? I am not sure if you can see what I may have done wrong here?
Best wishes,