I am conducting a DCE with each choice set containing 2 alternatives + status quo.
I have three attributes, where each attribute has three levels + status quo levels. The status quo levels are only specific to the status quo and should not be shown in the alternatives. Is there any risk of using them only for status quo but not for the alternatives? I suppose that technically in Ngene it is not a problem create status quo from fixed status quo levels, is it? Furthermore, I am also wondering if these three status quo levels can serve as reference levels for econometric analysis, specially WTP or if it causes problems using them as base/reference levels if the levels are only used for fixed status quo?
The second issue I am facing is, that I am expecting dominant alternatives as all three attributes seem to have a natural preference order (lower price is better than higher price; lower co-payments are better than higher co-payments; shorter time of co-payments is better than longer time of co-payments). I am not pretty sure how to avoid these dominant alternatives already in the design generation process? Or if this is even necessary to deal with them in the design generation process or if it is "enough" to take them into consideration in the analysis?
Appreciating your support!