I used NGENE to design two experiments - one for riders and one for drivers of ride sharing. I have now received some pilot data and had a question on the use of ASC's. In both of my designs, i have 3 unlabeled choices + None, and four attributes.
Hensher, Rose and Green in their text book suggest the following.
1. Theoretically, one should not use ASC's in any of the three unlabeled choice utility specifications, as no reason for it.
2. However to control for any order effects etc, one can put the ASC's in , and then drop them if not significant.
I have the following problem, and would welcome any practical advice.
1. For the rider model, if put ASC's, the parameters don't make sense - eg price is +ve. With ASC's everything looks good.
2. For the driver model, its the opposite. Results are great without ASC's, and not good with.
How should I proceed?
Manoj Agarwal