by Michiel Bliemer » Fri Jan 14, 2022 8:13 am
Sorry it is still not clear, do you mean "profiles" instead of "choice tasks"?
To clarify terminology:
Route A: 5 min, $2
Route B: 10 min, $1
(5 min) and (10 min) are attribute levels.
The combinations of attribute levels (5 min, $2) and (10 min, $1) are profiles.
The combination of profiles (5 min, $2, 10 min, $1) is a choice task.
Repeated attribute levels are common and fine.
Repeated profiles are common and fine, it is fine if profile (10 min, $1) appears within another choice tasks.
Repeated choice tasks are not ok. So you do not want (5 min, $2, 10 min, $1) to be repeated or that (10 min, $1, 5 min, $2) appears as a choice tasks since the profiles are simply swapped and represents the same choice task. Ngene automaticaly avoids such repeated choice tasks, including swapped profiles.