Hello all,
We are designing a willingness to accept choice experiment. There are five attributes: payment (price), nrate, nmethod, irrigation and cover crop.
We know the coefficient of payment is positive but we don't know other attributes' coefficients, so we just added 0.00001 as the payment prior. However, the output design includes some dominant choices. As each of our attributes has a price (cost), the willingness to accept payment should at least cover part of the cost. Also, a lower cost with a higher payment choice set is also considered as a dominant choice in our case. Here is our code. Could you help us to figure out how to solve this issue? Thank you very much for your time!
;alts=alt1*, alt2*, optout
U(alt1) = bpayment (0.00001) *payment[40,90,140,190](3-4,3-4,3-4,3-4) +
bnmethod *nmethod[0,60,120](4-5,4-5,4-5) +
birrigation *irrigation[0,80] +
bnrate *nrate[0,1] +
bcovercrop *covercrop[0,40] /
U(alt2) =bpayment*payment + bnmethod*nmethod
+ birrigation *irrigation + bnrate*nrate + bcovercrop*covercrop /