Hi Michiel and other forum users,
Two weeks ago, I posted the syntax below for someone to have a second thought. It was confirmed all looked ok. But I have a problem with the choice sets generated. I think there are some contradictions in some of the attribute combinations for some of the choice alternatives. For example, SPCA won’t certify a cage system. In some choice sets, no outdoor access comes in combination with a caged system which is a contradiction because birds in cages have no access to outdoors. Did I miss something or as a new Ngene /choice experiment user there is something I don't understand how Ngene will combine the levels?
;alts = A*, B*, C*, D*, None
;rows = 20
;block = 4, minsum
;eff = (mnl,d)
;alg = mfederov
U(A) = bscratching.dummy [0.120|0.130|0.140] * scratching [0,1,2,3] + bcages.dummy[-0.042]* cages[0,1]
+ bcert.dummy[0.15|0.16|0.17] * certification[0,1,2,3]
+ boutdoors.dummy[0.140] * outdoors[0,1] + bnesting&perches.dummy[ 0.133] * nesting&perches[0,1]
+ bprice[-0.47]* price[5,6,7,8](3-5,3-5,3-5,3-5)/
U(B) =bscratching * scratching+ bcages * cages + bcert * certification + boutdoors * outdoors +bnesting&perches * nesting&perches + bprice * price /
U(C) =bscratching * scratching + bcages * cages + bcert * certification + boutdoors * outdoors + bnesting&perches * nesting&perches + bprice * price /
U(D) =bscratching * scratching + bcages * cages + bcert * certification + boutdoors * outdoors + bnesting&perches* nesting&perches + bprice * price /
U(None) = b0[-3]