Dear all,
in my CBC I am using percentages as levels for my price attribute.
As these percentages are quite low I was thinking about showing reference amounts to help respondents decide what a percentage means in absolute amounts.
Besides showing general reference amounts like: "1,8% of an average monthly income is 100€" I might add respondent specific amounts as reference. I would ask the respondent for his monthly income at the beginning of the survey and would show as an information below each CBC task:
"1,8% of your monthly income is 250€"
Now my question is:
I´ve read that the attributelevels should not be respondent specific as they need to be independent from respondents.
Do you see that my idea harms this assumption or can I add this respondent specific reference amounts without any doubt? (The attribute levels are always 1,6%, a,8%, 3,3% for each repsondent)
Any help is highly appreciated.
Thanks and best regards,