by AnzeJap » Tue Sep 20, 2022 11:34 pm
Dear Michiel,
after running the code and reviewing the design there seem to be a few dominant alternatives (3 out of 36). The reason I guess are priors, which are to some extent (the sample was just over 50) unreliable in terms that they probably do not represent expected preferences as well as I hoped. For example the payment parameter (WTA) is not significant, negative and extremely small, but we expect it to significant and positive in the final sample. Thus, even looking at the choice probabilities there are no dominant alternatives, but after inspecting each of them some simply seem to have a very large probability of being chosen - large payments for forest owners in return of almost no additional forest activities. So my question is, do I need to leave the design as it is constructed by running the code or can I adjust some alternatives, like switching two payment levels between two alternatives in the same choice set? I did so almost every time in past when I was constructing orthogonal designs but I am not sure how acceptable this is for an efficient design as using priors is to avoid dominant alternatives in the first place.
Thank you!