by Sameh » Tue Nov 08, 2022 9:04 pm
Dear Sir,
You will find the design with the new values of priors. Let me give you more explanations about the significance of theses coefficients, Price : significant, health :insignificant, BIO1 (HIGH LEVEL) : significant, BIO2 : significant, WQ1 (HIGH LEVEL) : significant, WQ2 : insignificant, RECR1 (high level) : significant, RECR2 : insignf, GAS1: significant , GAS 2 : insignf.
alts = alt1*, alt2*, sq*
;rows = 18
;block = 3,minsum
;eff = (mnl,d)
;alg = mfederov
sq.WATER = 0,
sq.BIO = 0,
sq.RECR = 0,
sq.GAS = 0
alt1.WATER + alt1.BIO + alt1.RECR + alt1.GAS = 1 and alt1.PRICE > 0,
alt2.WATER + alt2.BIO + alt2.RECR + alt2.GAS = 1 and alt2.PRICE > 0,
alt1.PRICE = 0 and alt1.WATER + alt1.BIO + alt1.RECR + alt1.GAS <> 1,
alt2.PRICE = 0 and alt2.WATER + alt2.BIO + alt2.RECR + alt2.GAS <> 1,
alt1.PRICE = 0 and alt1.HEALTH > 0,
alt2.PRICE = 0 and alt2.HEALTH > 0,
alt1.HEALTH = 0 and alt1.PRICE > 0,
alt2.HEALTH = 0 and alt2.PRICE > 0,
alt1.WATER = 0 and alt1.BIO = 2,
alt2.WATER = 0 and alt2.BIO = 2,
alt1.BIO = 2 and alt1.WATER = 0,
alt2.BIO = 2 and alt2.WATER = 0
;model :
U(alt1) = b1.dummy[0.17|0.624] * WATER[1,2,0]
+ b2.dummy[0.446|0.6] * BIO[1,2,0]
+ b3.dummy[-0.167|0.796] * RECR[1,2,0]
+ b4.dummy[-0.301|0.521] * GAS[1,2,0]
+ b5[-0.01] * HEALTH[0,25,50](0-18,6-12,6-12)
+ b6[-0.247] * PRICE[0,0.3,0.6,0.9,1.2,1.5](0-18,2-6,2-6,2-6,2-6,2-6) /
U(alt2) = b1 * WATER
+ b2 * BIO
+ b3 * RECR
+ b4 * GAS
+ b5 * HEALTH
+ b6 * PRICE
U(sq) = b_sq[0]
+ b1 * WATER
+ b2 * BIO
+ b3 * RECR
+ b4 * GAS
+ b5 * HEALTH_sq[0]
+ b6 * PRICE_sq[0]
By conducting this pilote survey, I understood many things about the perception of the respondents and what should I modify in order to avoid biased scientific findings, I already have that clear. I wonder if I can neglect these results in can that if it will not provide us with realistic and useful informations that can refine the model.
I tried to compare each part : priced one (priced attribute) and the unpriced attributes to see how we can refine the results. I'm worried about the distribution of levels (here I'm talking about multiplying the price coefficient with its values that I indicated before as levels, about this point, I tried to understand more the idea by reading the article talking about : Choke price Bias in CE). I don't know if my doubts are seemed to be clear to you but I wonder if I can divide for example the price by 10 or 100 in order to adjust the Utility and the script (if it is permitted).
Have you any suggestions please ?