I'm trying to work up the experimental design for a DCE but I'm not sure how to proceed in Ngene. The format of the choice question is as follows:
You are prescribing treatment A. Given the scenario described below, what length prescription will you give to the patient.
<Single profile presented that includes attributes such as patient signs and symptoms, drug name, patient comorbidities, diagnostic test result>
Would you give this patient a prescription for 7, 10, 14 or 18 days.
So respondents will be presented with a single profile, but need to make 1 of 4 ordered choices. I initially assumed I would need an ordered probit/logit model to analyse the results, but can I code such a design in Ngene, and is this even the correct approach?
Apologies if I've missed an answer to this question in the manual, I did have a look.