Hello all,
My question is in regards to prior values. I have read previous posts and literature on this topic but still have a couple of questions. In my study, I only know the direction (sign) of my priors. Thus, I know I want to input the sign in to get a more efficient design but am unsure of the magnitude. Two questions I have can be summed up as:
(1) If I only know the sign of the priors do I just scale all priors so that each attribute is equal in effects? Or, if I believe that some attributes have a larger impact do I scale them accordingly? Under the first situation, it is my understanding that if you have for example 2 attributes (A&B) with 3 levels each and the attribute levels of A average 10 while the attribute levels of B average 5, than if I were to only know the sign and presumed that each had a similar impact, than I could input a prior of 0.01 for A and a prior of 0.02 for B, thus telling Ngene that both are positive and equally effect the decision.
(2) If I only know sign of the prior, not the actual level, am I able to look at nonlinear effects in ngene; i.e. dummy & effects coding?
I hope my questions were clear. Thank you for your help.