Hello, I have a few questions.
1. If my input for the prior is NextSeasonYield[5.5]*Yield[2, 1, 0], is Ngene reading that as a Yield value of 2 gets 11 units of utility, while the value of 1 gets 5.5? But, it is not reading a Yield Value of 0 as 0 utility, correct? It understands this is just the base level of “no change” and does not give it a utility value? Or does it?
2. If, instead, I have a utility function like this NextSeasonYield.dummy[(u, 0, 5.508)|(u, 0, 2.754]*Yield[1.2, 1.1, 1], then does the 5.508 get multiplied by the 1.2, and the 2.754 get multiplied by the 1.1?
2. If I want to get a better idea of what my priors are and was able to run a pilot study, how do I go about doing this? My assumption is that I would first use a set of questions output by Ngene, based on my best estimates of priors, ask them to a small group of people, input the results into some statistical software, and then run a conditional or mn logit model to get the coefficients? And would the coefficients then become my priors? Is this an accurate way to do this?
3. Does the “S” estimate tell me how many questions need to be asked or, how many people I need to ask all of the questions to? If I use a block, does it take that into account?
Thanks so much!