I have re-checked this code countless amount of times, could not find why I receive empty menus, any idea what went wrong?
- Code: Select all
;alts = optionA, optionB, statusquo
;rows = 24
;block = 8
;eff = (mnl,d)
U(optionA) = frequency[-0.0000001]* frequency_reduced[1,2,3]
+ length[0.00001]*length_reduced[0.3, 0.5, 0.7]
+ biodiversity[0.00001]* avoided_habitat_loss[1,2,3]
+ recovery[-0.000001]*recovery_period[5,10,15]
+ effectiveness[0.000001]*response_effectiveness[80,85,90]
+ price[-0.1]* price_per_year[19,23,27]/
U(optionB) = frequency* frequency_reduced
+ length*length_reduced
+ biodiversity*avoided_habitat_loss
+ recovery*recovery_period
+ effectiveness*response_effectiveness
+ price*price_per_year/
U(statusquo) = b0[0.0001]
;formatTitle = 'Scenario <scenarionumber> <blocknumber>'
;formatTableHeader = 'The menu below includes two options to prevent pollution as a result of an oil spill in the Mediterranean Sea'
;formatTableDimensions = 4, 8
;formatChoices = choice 1
1,1 = '' /
1,2 = 'Frequency of spill events' /
1,3 = 'Affected beach length' /
1,4 = 'Marine habitat loss' /
1,5 = 'Revocery time' /
1,6 = 'Response effectiveness'/
1,7 = 'Cost in NIS per year'/
1,8 = 'Your preference&?:' /
2,1 = 'Option_A' /
2,2 = '<optionA.frequency_reduced>'/
2,3 = '<optionA.length_reduced>'/
2,4 = '<optionA.avoided_habitat_loss>'/
2,5 = '<optionA.recovery_period >'/
2,6 = '<optionA.response_effectiveness>' /
2,7 = '<optionA.price_per_year>' /
2,8 = '<choice 1>' /
3,1 = 'Optoin_B'/
3,2 = '<optionB.frequency_reduced>'/
3,3 = '<optionB.length_reduced>' /
3,4 = '<optionB.avoided_habitat_loss>' /
3,5 = '<optionB.recovery_period >' /
3,6= '<optionB.response_effectiveness>' /
3,7 = '<optionB.price_per_year>' /
3,8 = '<choice 1>' /
4,1 = 'Status quo'/
4,2 = 'Once a month'/
4,3 = '1 Km'/
4,4 = 'Many habitats' /
4,5 = '20 Days' /
4,6 = 'not relevant'> /
4,7 = 'No price'/
4,8 = '<choice 1>'
1,1 = 'default' /
1,2 = 'headingattribute' /
1,3 = 'headingattribute' /
1,4 = 'headingattribute' /
1,5 = 'headingattribute' /
1,6 = 'headingattribute' /
1,7 = 'headingattribute' /
1,8 = 'headingattribute'/
2,1 = 'heading1' /
2,2 = 'body1' /
2,3 = 'body1' /
2,4 = 'body1' /
2,5 = 'body1' /
2,6 = 'body1' /
2,7 = 'body1' /
2,8 = 'choice 1'
3,1 = 'heading2'/
3,2 = 'body2' /
3,3 = 'body2' /
3,4 = 'body2' /
3,5 = 'body2' /
3,6 = 'body2' /
3,7= 'body2' /
3,8 = 'choice2' /
4,1 = 'heading3' /
4,2 = 'heading3' /
4,3 = 'heading3' /
4,4 = 'heading3' /
4,5 = 'heading3' /
4,6= 'heading3' /
4,7 = 'heading3' /
4,8 = 'choice 3'
;formatStyleSheet = Blue buttons.css
optionA.frequency_reduced(1=two months, 2=three months, 3=four months) /
optionA.length_reduced(0.3=300 mt, 0.5= 500 mt, 0.7= 700 mt) /
optionA.avoided_habitat_loss(1=30 percent , 2=60 percent, 3=80 percent)/
optionA.recovery_period (5=# , 10=#, 15=#) /
optionA.response_effectiveness(85=#%, 90=#%, 95=#%) /
optionA.price_per_year(19=NIS #, 23=NIS #, 27=NIS #)/
optionB.frequency_reduced(1=two months, 2=three months, 3=four months) /
optionB.length_reduced(0.3=300 mt, 0.5= 500 mt, 0.7= 700 mt)/
optionB.avoided_habitat_loss(1=30 percent , 2=60 percent, 3=80 percent)/
optionB.recovery_period (5=# , 10=#, 15=#) /
optionB.response_effectiveness(85=#%, 90=#%, 95=#%) /
optionB.price_per_year(19=NIS #, 23=NIS #, 27=NIS # )