Ngene generates candidate sets for the modified Federov algorithm randomly. In this case, it tries to find 2000 choice tasks that satisfy your constraints. The require constraints seem to be the issue, not exactly sure why. In the script below I replaced three require constraints with a direct constraint in the utility function of Default. This script should immediately run without issues. In the new version of Ngene we are implementing a special command for status quo alternatives that no longer require constraints.
- Code: Select all
;alts = A*, B*, Default*
;rows = 24
;block= 4 ,minsum
;eff = (mnl, d)
;alg = mfederov ?(candidates=1000)
Default.rps = 0,
Default.po = 0, = 0
U(A) = b1[.005] * bev[4,50,82] ?continuous
+ b2.dummy[(n,.042, .037)|(n,.18, .043)|(n,.23, .046)|(n,.28, .079)|(n, .37,.064)] * rps[1,2,3,4,5,0] ?Dummy coded
+ b3[.044] * rpv[0,5,10,20] ?continuous
+ b4.dummy[(n,-.14, .044)|(n,.245, .044)] * po[1,2,0] ?Dummy coded
+ b5.dummy[(n,.22, .018)|(n,-.33, .024)] * jo[1,2,0] ?Dummy coded
+ b6[-.0144308] * pr[0, 5, 15, 30, 50, 75] ?continuous
+ b7[.00161] * bev*rps
+ b8[-.0013] * rps*rpv
U(B) = b1 * bev
+ b2 * rps
+ b3 * rpv
+ b4 * po
+ b5 * jo
+ b6 * pr
+ b7 * bev*rps
+ b8 * rps*rpv
U(Default) = b0[(n,-.69, .051)]
+ b1 * bev_d[4]
+ b2 * rps
+ b3 * rpv_d[0]
+ b4 * po
+ b5 * jo
+ b6 * pr_d[0]
+ b7 * bev*rps
+ b8 * rps*rpv